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Hermione and I ended up in this small muggle café she said she used to stop at with her parents before going shopping for school. She ordered a dark chocolate raspberry coffee and a blueberry muffin and I ordered q pumpkin spice latté and a plain bagel. She looked at me with an amused expression as I paid.

"What?" I asked as we sat down.

"Draco Malfoy, you are literally the equivalent to a basic teenage white girl," she chuckled.

"How so?" I asked taking a sip of my latté.

"Oh, I'll have a pumpkin spice latté," she said in a high pitched, girly voice that sounds nothing like mine.

"I don't sound like that," I scoff. "Oh! They don't have plain black coffee, guess I'll just have the dark chocolate raspberry," I say in a deep voice.

"How is dark chocolate raspberry manly!" she says with a laugh. "It's more.." she takes a sip and taps her chin with her index finger, "middle aged mom."

I laugh which makes her smile, "That's so much better."

"We're both equally terrible," she says with a giggle as she picks out her muffin.

"May I try it?" I say gestering at her coffee.

"I don't know, Draco. It might be too manly for you."

I scoff, "Not possible. Also did you call me Draco?"

"No, of course I didn't, Malfoy. Here," she says and hands me her coffee. I take a sip and grimace.

"That's gross," I say giving it back to her and taking a sip of my latté. "So, so gross, what the hell, why would anyone drink that?"

She laughs at me and I scowl, "You're so childish, Draco."

"You called me Draco again!"

"Did not."

"Yeah, okay. Tell me, who's the childish one now, Hermione?"

_ _ _


ok i literally am so sorry for the people that actually read this i haven't updated in like a month and i now this is really short and bad an basically a filler but i've been so uninspired my friend literally had to fight with me to update but please keep reading I'm planning on a double update tm to get back in my grove ily

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