Chapter 6

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It has been a week since I last went to school. Dr. Williams did something unimaginable in this week, he adopted me. As I was just 17, I needed a legal guardian so he adopted me. He was married to a kind woman and they had no son or daughter so he made this legal. After dad, he was the person I looked up to.

Next day was Monday and I came to school. It was same bitchy environment and I dragged myself to classroom. Lectures were okay as I spent my most of the time doodling.

For lunch, I came into cafeteria and Cassie gave me an evil smirk. Instantly, I knew she was behind something. I took my lunch and was about to walk out when I heard a voice,

"Hey everybody look here." I turned and found her standing on the center table. Tyler was sitting in front of her. She smiled sweetly at me,

"SO today we are celebrating someone's happiness and that someone is our little mute Princess." And everybody turned towards me including Tyler.

My breath hitched in my throat as I prepared myself for some insults that she was about to throw at me.

"Some unfortunate doctor has adopted our fellow student as her parents have left her. So finally for being in a proper family, I would like to congratulate you." She said clapping her hands.

I heard some whispers as people looked at me. Tyler's eyes went wide and I was frozen in my place.

Everyone was silent and my plate fell from my hands. No one was supposed to know about this, about my parents.

A tear rolled down my eye and I came back to my sense. Without giving them single glance, I ran outside of the cafeteria.

I ran till I wasn't out of school. Tears were coming out furiously and I wiped them with the sleeves of my shirt. I couldn't stop and just walked to where my feet were leading me. I ended up in front of cemetery.

I was about to enter when somebody grabbed my elbow and spun me around. I met with green eyes and it belonged to my former best friend, Tyler.

He looked shocked and hurt. I tried to move away from him and ran inside the cemetery. I knew he came behind me.

I dropped on my knees and a loud sob was heard in the surrounding. I hid my face in the palm of my hands hoping that the pain would disappear somehow.

Somebody sat beside me and embraced me in a warm hug. I knew it was him, I would never forget that scent, the overwhelming scent of his cologne. I buried my face in his chest and he tightened his grip around me. Every feeling came back and I knew it was the time to face everything.

Ty and me were best friends, we could have never been apart. We always tagged along. He was popular and I was a loner. Well, you can't say nerd because I wasn't good with math and other subjects where you need to pay attention to learn. I was always wrapped in my own shell. I was 10 when I first met Tyler. He was new to school and I was little loner girl. On his very first day, he was surrounded by all children because he was talkative and a person you would want around. I was sitting on my corner bench looking at him. I knew he was like all those people who used to pick on me. I looked outside the window hoping he would leave me alone and won't bully me. Teacher came and introduced Tyler. She asked him to find a seat and he came to me.

He sat beside me. I knew, It was a matter of time as he would get to know me, he would hate me.

He introduced himself, smiling and sharing his chocolate. I was expecting him to leave and join the forces with my bullies but he stood by my side. To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

From that year, we were inseparable. We did all stupid things that teen do and enjoyed our life. Tyler became more and more popular but he never left my side. Seven years! Seven years we were by each other's side.

It was a starting of our senior year when Cassie entered in his life. She was a queen bee and had her eyes on Ty. She saw that Ty used to hang out with me so she tried everything to keep me away from him. When it didn't work out, she threatened me to blow my father's secret. That was another thing which I hid it from Tyler. When I was a freshman, dad and I met with an accident. Dad died in that and I hid the news from everyone in school. Dad was in army so nobody knew that he was here and something happened. Tyler was out of town for more than month so he didn't know.

When Cassie found out she played the worse move ever. She trapped me with drugs. She even convinced Tyler that I was dealing the drugs for more money. Tyler confronted me, I tried to make him realize but he was blinded by his anger. Cassie made me confess something that I never did. That got Tyler's wrath towards me.

He still thinks that I betrayed him. I tried to talk to him but he had disgust in his eyes whenever I went to talk to him. That day when he confronted me, I tried to convince him; we fought and yelled at each other and it caused Tyler to meet with an accident. Well, you know what happened next.

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