Chapter 7

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I never saw her crying like this, I never saw her broken but now when I was holding her in my arms I felt like she was fragile and if I let her go she will disappear in thin air.

She held on to me like her life was dependent on it. And that was the time when my gaze fell on the grave that was in front of us. 'Jonathan Collins'. Her dad!

Oh god! I didn't know when this happened. How? When? These were the only questions which were coming in my mind. I saw the date and it shocked me that it was 2 years ago when we were in freshman year.

Saying I was shocked would be an understatement. I couldn't say anything. I didn't know how she was holding onto everything by herself.

A wave of sadness flew by me when I realized that she didn't want to share her pain with me.

Why? We were best friends, then why did she hide it? why she didn't tell me?

After half hour, she stopped crying and pulled away from me. her gaze was staring at her dad's grave.

"Why?" question left my mouth before I could stop it.

"Because I was afraid that I will lose you." She stated and my eyes turned to her.

"What do you mean?"

"I killed him, Tyler, he died because of Me." she said and a new wave of tears rolled down her eyes.

"Dad came home for a month. After you left I begged dad to take me out for a road trip. After lots of pleadings he agreed and we left that morning. We were half way through when on a curvy road he lost his control and car took some wrong turn.

We fell upside down. People saved me but before they could do anything else, the car exploded. I saw him die, Tyler. He died in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything. If I wouldn't have forced him to go on that road trip, he would have been here with me. I..." She lost herself again like her wounds were opened and she broke down.

I couldn't see more and I wrapped my hands around her bringing her closer. I rocked her and tried to keep her calm.

It was the reason she went for drugs?

That broke my heart more.

I should have been there when she needed me and I wasn't there. I was enjoying holidays with my parents when she lost her only one. The guilt was eating me.

"I... I didn't do drugs, I promise, Ty. I never even touched them somebody put wrong acc...accusation. Believe me, Ty!"
she said in between her sobs.

I was shocked and overwhelmed. I didn't try to find the truth behind the story. Cassie told me and I believed her. I don't know why.

"Then why did you confess that?"

"It was forced. Didn't you see it? They forced me to do that or they would have spread the news of my dad." She whispered.

"Who are they?" I was pissed and anger was taking best of me.

"I... I can't."

"Munchkin, just tell me, who forced you in this?"

"I don't have any proofs against them. They will make my life hell."

"It already is hell. Just tell me the damn names." I said through greeted teeth.

"C... Cassie and Shawn Carmichael." And blood boiled inside my body. Now everything fell in pieces like puzzle was solved. Every piece was together.
"Don't do anything, Ty, please." She said; her eyes were fluffy.

"They need to pay for what they did to you and what they did to me." I said but then I realized that she needed love not revenge so I just pulled her in my lap and stroked her hair.

I missed that lavender smell of her shampoo. I inhaled in her hair and closed my eyes savoring the moment.

I was happy that everything cleared out and we were back again. My phone started vibrating and I received a message,

"Hey wassup man?
Missing mee? (probab. Sounds like a gay)
So I'm coming back, my bitch! Tell kitkat that her knight is coming.
See ya soon!

That made the day perfect. My two best friends were back into my life. I smiled because I knew now the people who made my munchkin cry were gonna face two knights at the same time.

It was a matter of time, Val would know about everything and we would kick some asses together.

I grinned just thinking about it. My eyes fell on the most beautiful girl I ever came across and I brushed a strand of her hair from her face and kissed her forehead. She fell asleep in my arms.

I lifted her and brought her back to her home. I went straight to Mr. William's house which was her neighboring house and I knew it was her new home. Mrs. William saw me and smiled widely.

She was a nice lady. She saw my munchkin in my arms and gave me a smile which said, 'SO adorable!'

Mr. Williams came from behind her and showed me the room. I placed her on bed and covered her. I kissed her forehead again and mumbled a good night.

I came downstairs and Mr. Williams was still there.

"SO it seems like she told you everything about adoption." He said and I nodded.

"Tyler, I want to talk to you about something. Do you have time?"


We sat on sofa and he looked hesitant.

"Tyler, I know you are the only person who can make her happy. She has gone through a lot and she is still going through some nightmares. You are the only person who can show her that there is light at the end of the tunnel. She is losing it Tyler."

"What? What do you mean by that?"

"IT's not my story to tell. She will tell you. Just trust her, okay? I know you are hurt that she hid some facts like her dad's death from you but it was her insecurity nothing else. So I hope you will stay by her side."

"Yes sir, I will."

"It's Roy. You can call me, Roy and for you I'm her father now." He said giving me a small smile which I returned.

"Okay Roy, I will be here to pick her up for school."

"OK! Have a safe ride, young man." He said and I waved at him.

I sat in my car and a small smile was playing on my lips. I knew I found her, I got her back. I didn't know what she felt about me but I was in love with her.

I reached my home and went inside my room. As soon as I entered somebody tackled me to the ground and I punched him hard.

A loud groan was escaped from his mouth and he moved aside.

"Awwww... man, it's me."

"Valentino." My eyes widened for a second and then I hugged him tightly. Sounds gay, right? But he is my bitch.

"Don't kiss me, please, don't kiss me." he yelled and pushed me away.

"Asshole." I muttered and he laughed loudly.

"Damn, you don't know how much I missed this place." He said and I grinned.

Yes, brother, you are gonna have a lot of fun now. I laughed loudly.

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