Chapter 4

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I froze in my place. I didn’t know what to do. I was just speechless.

Why was he here? Did he want to talk to me? Had he got any idea that I’m dying? But there was no way he would find out about that. No way. But it didn’t matter, right? I would be happy if he wouldn’t care if anything happened to me.

It stung but I knew it’s for best. My eyes casted to ground as I couldn’t meet his eyes.

He cleared his throat in an attempt to start a conversation. Timidly, I met his eyes and they were filled with hurt. I couldn’t take it and a tear rolled down.

“What has happened to you? Is that a blood?” he asked, his emotions were bottled up; he didn’t even show a sign of any. I tried to hide my shirt,

“N…No. It’s not.” I stuttered.

He sighed and ran his hand through his already messy hair. Those blond locks were still the same.

“Just stop hiding things. Can’t you see where it has brought us?” he asked, his voice was laced with anger at the end.

I swallowed a lump that was forming in my throat. I gulped and my feet were wobbly.

“I’m sorry.” I mumbled while choking on my tongue. He looked frustrated and walked in front of me.

“There is no way I’ll be able to forget what you did to me and I hate you for that.”

My heart shattered at his sentence and my vision blurred through tears. My palms were shaking and I tried to keep myself from falling.

“It sucks, okay? You are being difficult. God damn, I don’t know why the fuck I came here?” he talked mostly to himself and then walked out.

I fell on the ground and wrapped my hands around me.

“I’m sorry. I’m just sorry.” I mumbled while crying.

It was getting difficult to breath as every tear that was coming out of my eye was making me weak.

I stayed there till my heart stopped paining.

After some time, I composed myself and walked to my second class. People were throwing glances and comments at me but I tried to avoid them all.

At lunch, I walked out of school building and sat on bleachers. I was out of money. I had to go to library in evening to earn some money to buy food. It had been more than 24 hours I ate last but I couldn’t care less. I just stared at ground, trying to calm my nerves and ease the pain that was surfacing because of Tyler’s harsh words. When bell rang, I went back and attended lectures.

Being with books always comforted me. Right now, I was in library and there was no one so I had time to read. I sat in corner and started reading. I didn’t realize that someone was strolling inside where I was sitting. I heard ruffling of pages and it brought me back to my senses. I stood up and found a guy trying to find some book.

“Can I help you in finding?” I asked him. He turned towards me and gave me a warm smile,

“Well, that would be great.” He said and I just nodded.

“Ummm, I’m finding ‘To kill a mockingbird.’ You have it right?”
“Yes. We do have it. Wait a minute, I will be back.” I told him and went to another section where I found that book.

I gave it to him and he smiled gratefully.

“Thank you.” He said and I again gave a small nod.

“What are you reading?” he asked eying my book curiously.

“The book thief!” I answered and his face broke in a small grin.

“I love this book.”

“Me too.” I said and he smiled.

“Okay see you soon! Bye.” He walked out and I sat back at my previous place.

It’s been a week that I had normal conversation with someone like this. It warmed my heart. ‘The book thief reminded and directed me to so many thoughts like how can life seem perfect at one time and in next second it’s turned upside down.

How life can be happy, gloomy, enchanting and sad at the same time? It was difficult for me, it was worse experience.

A lump formed in my throat when I reached towards end and slowly tears made their way to my cheeks.

It wasn’t for Liesel, it wasn’t about her losing her love but it was all about how I could connect myself to her.

She was broken like me but she had people around at the end. She met Max but I knew I can’t see him at the end of my days. It was a punishment to stay away from the only person I ever loved.

I waited till my wavering heart settled in normal pace and then came home. I brought some food which was just bread and some other essential things. Life was cruel.


Next few days were difficult. I tried to avoid Tyler and his friends who were hell bent on making my life more miserable.

The weakness and losing consciousness became more serious. At one moment, I went blank on the porch of my house.

The medicines were gone and I had no choice but to bear with everything that life was throwing in front of me. Library was the only thing which kept me sane and with books I could feel, smile and sometimes laugh. I read more than 8 books in last five days and they all gave me immense pleasure.

Tyler was the only person who I missed a lot in those days but I knew feelings were not mutual. 

It was dad’s birthday and I was sitting beside his grave. I told him everything that took place in my life in last few days. I cried and apologized to him because I couldn’t save him and he was dead because of me.

That guilt was eating me more than any other thing. It was nearly evening and I didn’t want to move. Slowly my heartbeats rose to a level where I thought it was going to explode.

I clutched my heart tightly and pain shot through my body. I wanted to scream but held myself from doing that. In next few seconds, darkness embraced me and it felt like heaven.

“She is going to be okay, isn’t she?” somebody asked but I couldn’t move.

“We can’t say anything. Her heart condition is severe. She needs heart transplant.”

“Just do whatever you want; I need her to be okay.”

“Yes, Dr. William, I will do everything that I can.”

Then I heard door closing. I tried to move but it felt like my body was paralyzed. I couldn’t feel anything, I couldn’t.

“You will be okay, Princess, I promised your dad that I will take care of you and I will.” That same familiar voice said and then he kissed my forehead.

My senses were coming back to normal but it was difficult. I laid there without any disturbance and let the sleep took over me.

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