Chapter 15

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Val came from behind me and wrapped his hands around my shoulder. I looked in his eyes and he had happiness twinkling in them. He just tightened the hug and indicated to look at Tyler.

My heart was beating at the rate of 100miles per hour. Just kidding, but you got the idea right? I just stood there with shocked face.

Tyler made a firm eye contact with me and his smiling face was making every girl to go swoon over him.

He cleared his throat and everyone covered their ears as he was on mike. He smiled sheepishly and apologized,

"Sorry, it's not every day that I talk on mike so sorry guys. Well, I think you all are just wondering why I am standing here after this match when I should go and get ready for some fun ass party and I know you all are dying to attend that party too. Well, now we have reason to celebrate as the season has ended on a good note. So guys, I hope you all have fun."

And everyone cheered for him. He took a pause and scratched his neck nervously,

"Coming back to why I am standing here. Let's say I want to share something with all of you. It's something which changed my life or I should say someone." He smiled sweetly. Everyone gave a reply in awe.

"So I first came here when I was in fourth grade, being all this charming and all, I made friends and felt like I was popular in first week of school. There I saw a girl who was in my class but always sat in her corner bench looking out of the window. Well she was different; I still remember on first day when I saw her, she was wearing cute blue colored frock and a hair band of same color.

She never noticed me but I did. After a week, few senior boys bullied me for being popular and called me names. I was just 10 and afraid of what they might do next.

That day I hid in a small room and cried. It's hard to believe, isn't it? Well, yeah, I cried. I didn't want anyone to see that so I just sat there in recess time too. After 10 minutes or something, door opened and there I saw her. She was wearing a beautiful pink frock. I just stared at her as she came and sat beside me. I didn't say anything too. She opened her Tiffin box and shared it with me. That day I realized that she was getting bullied too and I needed to be strong so we became friends and she gave me a reason to stand for myself and her too. I knew she was the reason behind my strength and trust me, she still is."

There were few gasps around but I was frozen in my place. Girls were whispering in each others' ears about who that girl might be. Tyler continued,

"We became best friends and we shared every damn thing that happened in our life. If any shit goes down, I used to run to her and then she stood by my side. It was always us against world. Seven years! Seven years we were going strong and then somebody entered in my life.

Her name was Cassie Carmichael. Yeah, the same girl who was arrested for drugs and some illegal things. She ruined my friendship with her and we fell apart. It was the hardest time I ever faced in my life. I was out of my mind. I didn't know what to do and then met with an accident. After few days I realized that she was innocent. It was heartbreaking that I broke her. I came to know about some secrets which shattered both of our life." he gulped and swallowed,

"Then we met with an accident and she was with me. You know what she did? She just threw herself at me and protected me from the impact. She was ready to sacrifice her life for me. She didn't even care about consequences and saved me. She was in coma for four weeks and it took everything in me not to break."

Tears were streaming down my face as he was talking and I didn't even realized that Val brought me down on the field.

Tyler's eyes met mine and I saw few tears were rolling down his eyes. I heard small sniffing voice from the girls who were around.

"Well, she survived and I realized something. That feeling was foreign but familiar at the same time. I felt that from the very first day when I got to know her and it just enhanced as time passed. You know what was that? LOVE! Yes, I love her. I fucking love her.

Today I am telling you all this because I want you to know this all and I want her to show that I would do anything for her."

Our eyes never broke the eye contact as he took 2 steps forward,

"You know I heard when you poured your heart in front of me but I was just waiting for this special moment and here it is. That girl is Thea Collins!"

My heart stopped as I heard loud gasps around me. Tyler smiled at me.

"Munchkin, I love you. I will love you now, I will love you tomorrow, and I will love you for the rest of my life. No matter what life puts me through, I will be here by your side because without my other half, I'm not me. So...."

He came forward and brought out a red rose and smiled,

"Thea Collins, will you be my girlfriend?"

Whole ground erupted into cheers and they started chanting, 'Say yes. Say yes.'

Without thinking anything I just blocked them out and ran towards Tyler. In next few seconds I was in his arms as I hugged him tightly.

It didn't matter if we were in the middle of football ground, it didn't matter that hundreds of people were watching us, nothing mattered except that he poured his feelings in front of me. He told me he loved me. I was on cloud 9 and there was not a single moment that could have brought me down on ground again. He pulled back and again there was new chant, 'Kiss her, Kiss her.'

Tyler winked at me and I blushed crimson red.

"SO it was a yes, right?" Tyler asked cheekily and I just buried my face in his chest. After few seconds when the noise got louder, Tyler pulled back and lifted my face only to place his lips on mine. Our lips moved in sync and everything else was blurred.

We pulled back and were wrapped in an embrace of Valentino. He was smiling ear to ear.

Suddenly, every member of their team with their girlfriends came in middle too and embraced us. It made a big group of people and we were in the middle savoring the beautiful moment.

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