Chapter Two: Awoken

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Amber's P.O.V.

I woke up having a giant migraine. It pounded at the back of my head making me put my hands to my head. Well, tried too anyways. I felt my wrist pressed together and the familiar fabric of a rough rope. I lifted my head slightly to take the sights. I didn't recognize anything in the area. Both Sapphire and I sat leaning against a large tree. While she was still unconscious, I was now wide awake, searching for those four navy blue eyes. They sat, crouched around a fire that burned purple and not orange like usual.

"You! I'm going to kill you!" I screamed, squirming to get to my feet but failed because I didn't realize that my ankles were tied up as well. I landed away from the tree and on my back. The young men watched in amusement from my struggles. One of them walked towards me, taking off his hood and revealed his face. His skin was pale and ghostly white. His hair was jet black. His facial expression showed sympathy and amusement. The young man then unsheathed a silver blade and I screeched in fright, trying to get farther away from my friend's attacker.

"Whoa, whoa! I won't hurt you!" the man said, waving the knife around. My brown eyes trained on the dagger that he was waving around so easily. He spotted my stare on the dagger and he put the blade down next to me. "Here, you can now free yourself and your friend."

"What are you doing brother?!" the other man questioned rather loudly. "You're just giving her a weapon!"

"She seems harmless, brother! Look at her! I bet she can't even swat a fly!" the raven head said. I quickly grabbed the blade and started cutting the thick ropes. The ropes fell to ground and I started on my ankles. It seemed that they had used thicker rope on my legs. While the brothers bickered, I went to Sapphire and started on her ropes. They fell to the ground with a heavy thud.

"Sapphire, wake up! We need to get out of here!" I said, shaking my friend's shoulder roughly. Sadly, Sapphire can sleep like a rock. I poured a bucket of ice water on her once and that didn't even work.

I heard footsteps walking up behind me and I quickly grabbed the dagger. I stood up, hiding that I had the dagger behind my back. The raven head came up to me with a friendly smile plastered to his face. I, on the other hand, had a scowl on my face which was also splattered with blood (Thanks a lot Jason!).

"Daniel, I suggest you don't do that..." his brother said, his face still covered with the black hood.

"Why not?" the so-called Daniel said, looking at his brother and his back turned towards me. I took that chance and I pounced on his back sending him sprawling on the ground. I flipped him over and place the blade to his throat.

"That's why..." the other man said, not moving an inch from where he was sitting. I glared into his blue eyes which were full of fright.

"Well, you're much stronger than I thought!" Daniel whispered.

"You don't know me at all!" I said harshly.

"Well, since you won't cooperate the friendly way, guess we have to do this the hard way" he said to me, blue eyes turning to angry slits.

"What do you mean 'the hard w-'" and I was knocked unconscious.

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