Chapter Thirteen: Anara's Camp Part One

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Sapphire's P.O.V.

Anara, the commander of the Nozamas, led us back to her camp. For the most part she seemed to trust us, except for the twins. She would look back at them every minute or two with a menacing glare to keep them from trying anything. Not like we would. This chick was scary. It would be complete suicide to attempt an escape or a fight. But what had startled me the most was not her intimidation, but rather her curiosity in me. She'd tilt her head at me with pondering eyes and gave a small smile. I wasn't the only one to notice her strange behaviour. Theo glared at the back of her head, looking like he was going to stab her skull.

"We are close." Anara spoke. Her voice was confident and strong, echoing authority and power. I saw Lia shrink back, ever so slightly from the intimidating girl.

"It's about time!" retorted Daniel. Amber gave him a small jab in the ribs with her elbow, to remind him not to get smart with Anara. She gave him a stern glance when he made whimpering noises. I giggled into the palm of my hand, earning a glance from both Anara and Theo.

We stopped right in front of an opening to a small clearing. Beyond the large leaves and clingy vines, I could make out tents that were made of animal skins. The campfires burned brightly, flickering with blues and purples. People walk around in leather and skin armour, with spears or swords in hand. This was their camp, and it was simply extraordinary.

"Come out from your posts. It is me, Anara."

We looked around, trying to find who Anara was talking to, when suddenly, two women jumped from the trees above. They both held spears and pointed them at us, mainly at the poor twins.

The warrior commander quickly spoke "Do not worry. They are peaceful. I am bringing them to my tent for questioning. Go back to your posts." She commanded the two women. They swiftly bowed to her before climbing back up their post/trees.

We entered into the clearing, catching the attention of some people as we made our way to Anara's tent. They began to stop their chores and jobs to view what was going on. We managed to hear some whispers walking past them.

"Who are they?"

"Are they spies from the tribe?"

"Will they end up like the others?"

I heard a gulp come from Lia.

"What happened to the 'last ones'?" I pondered, sending a shiver down my spine at the thought.

"Don't just stand there!" shouted Anara "Fetch some water and nourishment for the visitors, and get back at your jobs!" People quickly scrambled to do as she said.

Time Skip to the Tent and Questioning

We sat on small cushions laid on the ground at a low table. Anara sat across from us. She motioned for us to drink the water and the bread laid out in front of us.

"I usually don't give supplies to visitors, but it looks like you haven't eaten in a while." She said this to all of us but mostly looked at me.

She was right. Even though we packed some food when we we're at Viatrix's castle, it ran out just as quickly as Daniel's and Theo's did when we first arrived here.

We gratefully ate the bread and drank the water. Lia seemed a little less worn out after she ate her share. She was the first to to go without food when it started running low. She gave up her last rations to Amber because she noticed how her friend wasn't fully recovered from the wolf's poison. I admired Lia for that. It shows just how loyal she is. Daniel quickly gave up his rations for Amber too, but she didn't accept them. Maybe she cared about his health too and wanted to make sure he ate.

After we had all finished our food, Anara started her interrogation. She asked us many questions. After what seemed like hours, she finally she seemed satisfied and we all stood up.

"You seem trustworthy. I'll let you stay the night here at camp, and at first light, we will make our way to your next portal. Some servants are finishing setting up your tent now. You are allowed to put away your things there and you can explore our camp if you please, but we're keeping an eye on you."

She guided us to the exit of the tent. The twins went out first, followed by Lia, Amber and Viatrix. A servant arrived to guide us to our tent. As I started to leave I felt a tight grip grasp my wrist. I turned around to meet with Anara's bright jade green eyes. We were practically nose to nose, she was that close. Her hand loosed and she backed up a bit. She looked at me with a softened expression, her mouth quirked upwards in a gentle smile.

"You can trust me." Her striking eyes relentlessly searching mine. Trying to read me. I noticed she did that. She would read people as though they were books but she seemed to read me the most. I don't think she could find what she was looking for in my eyes. She let go of my hand and swiftly turned around. She opened the curtains dividing the room and stepped into what I assume is her bedroom. I caught I quick glimpse of a bed covered with a fur blanket before the curtains closed behind her.


Thank you to BananaCakaBitch for helping me again on this chapter. Please vote, comment and follow us! Thanks, until next time!

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