Chapter Seven: Races and Scratches

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Amber's P.O.V.

We started on our journey after a quick breakfast. Or was it lunch? Or was it dinner?! Honestly, I didn't really know what time of day it was, I was so confused! 

Then of course, I started thinking about our parents back at home. They were probably freaking out! A giant wave of guilt crashed over me as I hunched my shoulders in shame. Lia seemed to notice my slight depression and came over, putting an arm over my shoulders.

"Hey, what's wrong?" my friend questioned. I sighed, knowing if I tried to hide it she would pry it out eventually. Better tell her now to save the trouble.

"I'm just thinking about our parents... I wonder if they are ok..." I answered quietly, tears threatening to fall. I looked to see Lia trying to comprehend what I just said. I didn't want to repeat it, even though it was very quiet. 

"Our parents... Oh shit! OUR PARENTS!!!" Lia exclaimed, waving her arms wildly. That quickly got the attention of the twins and Sapphire. Theo looked at us weirdly, Daniel looked concerned, and lastly Sapphire looked just as guilty and worried about her parents as us. Daniel's look of concern deepened as Sapphire came towards and wrapped us in a group hug.

"We'll get back. Don't worry... We still have to check on Jason and beat him up for scaring the crap out of us." Sapphire explained, getting a slight laugh from Lia and I.

"Hey. Race you two to the top!" A voice exclaimed. I broke free of the hug of comfort to see Daniel sprinting up the mountain. He looked back and sent me a sly grin before speeding up his pace.

"Hey! You cheater! You got a head start!" I hollered, running after him. He pushed some medium sized rocks down the hill, sending them hurdling towards Lia and I. I jumped over the rocks while Lia skipped to the side.

"Oh, two can play that game!" I yelled at him.

"Make that three!" Lia added, attempting to throw leaves at him but the leaves gently floated to the ground behind us. I looked at her, unimpressed by the action.

"I thought they were rocks!" she said, grabbing a hand full of tiny pebbles. She threw the pebbles, sending a rain of stones on top of Daniel.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, trying to run and brush the debris out of his raven locks. I giggled and he seemed to smile bigger. As we neared the top, I saw a gateway with a purple portal rippling in the sunlight. 

"Ha! I won!" Daniel gloated, turning his face towards us. Then, so suddenly, a big log seemed to appear at his feet.

"Watch out!" I warned but it was too late. He tripped, rocketing forwards (for some reason. I thought he would go backwards) and crashed on Lia and I. We rolled down the hill, the violet portal getting farther away. I looked in front of us to see a emerald green portal approaching fast. I tried to stop but the grips on my tattered shoes ran out when we were fighting the wolves. Lia and Daniel tumbled  into the rippling green portal. 

"Help!" I cried. I slipped in, trying to grab anything. I went through the portal, swirls of different shades of green going around me. I was going to pass out until a I saw a bright light at the end. I reach for it and then I felt nothing.

Theo's P.O.V.

I saw Amber slip in, her small figure disappearing in the sea of green.

"We have to go and get them!" Sapphire exclaimed, her kaleidoscope eyes begging to follow her friends.

"You know, if you go into this portal then it'll be WAY harder to reach your home! You can go home and I can get your friends back." I said to her, lying about everything except that she can go home. We only needed two girls after all and I kind of wanted her to survive. She was cute- wait WHAT? I looked her but her eyes showed determination.

"See you!" she said, saluting me before jumping into the ocean of emerald green. I sighed and smiled before stepping in after her.

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