Chapter 17: The Twin's Past

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Flashback when Theo and Daniel were eight years old.

3rd P.O.V.

"Go and make sure only three come out!" The Game Master said as the soldiers took the poor five children to their 'playground'. The 'playground' where two were destined for their deaths, ending their short, miserable lives. 

"Don't do this f-" Daniel started but was slapped by The Game Master.

"Do not call me that until proven worthy!" he stated to the young child, his pale cheek throbbing from the harsh slap. The four other children gasped in shock, their young, innocent eyes widening as the wound became more and more red.

"Daniel!" they called, trying to reach him but the soldiers had held them back, leaving the raven-haired boy by himself, droplets of tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Take him away and let's see who makes it out alive!" The Game Master said before turning away, leaving the five infants being dragged away to the place where some wouldn't make it back. They were suited in all black, black shirt and pants with a single silver sword to defend themselves. Then, they were shoved into a small room, the only light, being a fluorescent purple, coming out of cracks in the obsidian walls. 

"Stay together, got it?" Amelia questioned, stating her authority. She was the older sister of Zeno and unlike the others, she has been in this test a time before. But that test, everyone but one had to die... 

"Are we going to die?" Zeno questioned, hugging his older sister's leg. The twelve year old girl looked down and smiled at him before ruffling his dirty blonde hair. 

"Of course not honey. We'll survive!" Amelia said to the young eight year old whose eyes were shining with hope and fear. Sounds of guns cocking into gear was heard echoing in the air. All children huddled together, waiting for the attack. Their swords were in the air, glinting maliciously, waiting to deflect the bullets that were aimed to kill them.

"Stage one: Speed 1. Five bullets each target." The computer announced, sending a volley of bullets at them at a low speed. It was the speed of a butterfly flying by. Each bullet was deflected with a slash or movement of the sword. Each bullet  now laid useless on the ground, their bodies crumpled into useless heaps. 

"Stage two: Speed 1.5. Six bullets per target." The computer stated once again, sending another round of bullets. The bullets flew at the speed of a fly. Slashes and clangs were echoing through the silent room. Twenty-four bullets laid on the ground but there was supposed to be thirty. They looked around confused before five bullets shot at each of them. Not expecting it, Darrel swung his sword violently, trying to deflect the silver bullet coming towards him. The silver bullet caught on to his sword and deflected into Zeno's leg. He cried out in pain as blood flowed from the wound. 

"Zeno!" his sister cried, running to his aid. She bent down to inspect wound and wrapped it up in a ripped part of her black t-shirt. Big tears rolled down his face like raindrops on a window pan. Darrel was on the verge of tears seeing his friend in this condition, knowing that he caused this catastrophe. Theo and Daniel was still on guard, there swords raised high and tiny bodies shaking with fright. Despite the injury that just happened, that didn't stop the computer from announcing:

"Stage three: Speed 2.5. Eight bullets per target." Bullets flew one after the other, like a swarm of bees ready to attack the infiltrator. Daniel and Theo was trying to block the bullets from flying into their injured and stunned friend but was unsuccessful. A single bullet flew past Theo's sword and into the back of Darrel's head. Everything seemed to stop for a moment. Horrified expressions frozen on to each of their faces. Blood slowly dripped from the wound as he fell to the ground, dead. As he fell, his soft chocolate brown eyes closed, forever. At least, that's what they thought.

"Darrel! No!" Zeno cried, more tears coming from his light blue eyes. Theo's dark blue eyes were widen beyond expectation as he shouted in sadness and anger.

"I'm sorry!" Theo screeched, falling to his knees next to the body of his companion. As the children mourned, they didn't notice a single gun readjust to aim into the back of Theo's head. All except one. 

"Watch out!" Zeno screamed, pushing Theo out of the way.  The silver bullet fired and pierced his skin right until his heart. He fell silent right next to his friend, his blue eyes losing its life. But on his face was a little smile, knowing that he saved his friend's life.

"NOOO!" Amelia shrieked, her green eyes pouring tears. She held the body of her brother, desperately shaking him. The black door slammed open to reveal three bodyguards. They took a shocked Theo, a screaming and moving violently and a completely silent Daniel out of the room, leaving the bodies of their friends in the room. 

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