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Sophia's POV

"So your the one that has my number."

"You finally caught on."

I took a seat across from him and just looked at him. It finally hit me that he was Justin Bieber. He's been hinting at it through texting.

"You know who I am?" He asked looking sad. I wasn't gonna treat him any different because he's Justin Bieber. Just because he is, doesn't make him any less human. He's just a normal person just like me.

"Yeah I do. Doesn't mean I won't stop texting you. Just because your famous doesn't mean I'm gonna freak out and do what everyone else does." I said looking him in the eyes. As soon as I said that he had hope in his eyes. It was like he found an actually friend that isn't using him for fame, or money.

"You don't know what it feels like to hear that from someone." He said taking  sip of his coffee. I took the lid off my coffee cup and drank it open.

"I'm gonna treat you normal Justin. Even though we just met, but we've talked for a couple of weeks, I'm your friend and you can always come to me." I said looking him in the eyes.

He smiled at me and said thanks. I don't know what it was but I was starting to like Justin. I wasn't being irked by him like I usually do.

"Why haven't you called me babe or baby yet?" I asked him. He raised and eyebrow at me before responding.

"I wanted our first time meeting to be nice."

"Well it is." I said sipping my coffee.

"Doesn't mean I won't call you that when I'm texting you." he said. I looked at him rolling my eyes. I went to take another sip of my coffee, but I finished it. I got up and threw my cup away and sat back down with Justin.

His phone started to ring, so he got up and walked away taking the call. 5 minutes later he walked back over to the table.

"Sophia I have to go. It was Scooter." he said throwing his cup away.

I got up and hugged him, saying goodbye when I let him go.

I just met Justin Bieber.

A/n I've been getting so much positive feedback from this book and I want to thank you guys so much. There's only 8 chapters and this book is almost at 1k views. I just want to thank u guys for all the love and the support. I do reach out to everyone who votes because I am very thankful.

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