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justin: scooter chill. she's a friend of mine. she'll be more than a friend soon.

scooter: how the hell did u meet her

justin: I got drunk one night and a girl gave me her wrong number, and I ended up texting her.

scooter: does she have a name

justin: yeah...sophia.

scooter: justin this could be amazing.

justin: scooter no. I'm not going on another trip or signing another contract.

scooter: its none of those. how bout u guys date for a couple of months, ur sales boost, she becomes more famous, and after a while u guys break up.

justin: SCOOTER NO! she's special and I'm not losing her.

scooter: just think about it

justin: thinking...thinking...thinking...still no scooter.

scooter: u'll come around.

justin: its a no. That's final. My sales are fine just where they are. She doesn't need to become more famous. i'm fine, she's fine, we're both fine

scooter: alright alright

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