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Sophia's POV

I pulled my house key out and unlocked my front door. I set my suitcase by the door and walked upstairs. I was finally home. Don't get me wrong Paris was fun, but I was finally gonna be in my own bed. I opened my bedroom door and crawled into my bed. I told Justin to text me once he got home which should be in about 10 minutes. It was only like 3 in the afternoon and I still had to unpack my suitcase. I can always do that tomorrow right? I heard my phone ding from the nightstand. I rolled over and grabbed my phone off the nightstand already knowing it was Justin.

justin: I made it home...I miss you

sophia: lol justin you just saw me

justin: I know, but I still miss you

sophia: ur adorable

justin: ur hot

sophia: shut up

justin: I MISS YOU

sophia: justin shut up

justin: I MISS YOU

read 3:41 p.m.

A/n sorry for the week long wait. I've just been making new books and I finally completed perfect so I'm back guys

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