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Sophia's POV

I was starting to get ready with my date with Justin. I started on my makeup before I got a text from Justin saying to wear something formal. I was mentally slapping myself because he was surprising me and I fucking hate surprises. I finished my makeup off with nude lip gloss and walked into my closet.

I went to my dress section and started looking at dresses hanger by hanger. I passed some dresses before I spotted a black sleeve dress.

 I passed some dresses before I spotted a black sleeve dress

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I put the dress on and zipped it up myself. I walked over to me shoes and got some black heels. I walked into my bathroom and did my makeup. I put on the usual. I put my eyeliner on and winged it at the ends. I put mascara on and put on some nude lipstick. I walked out of my bathroom and got my purse ready. I put my keys, phone, and wallet in there.

I heard my phone start to ring and I saw that it was Justin. I smiled as I swiped the green button and put the phone up to my ears.

-phone convo-

Justin: I'm pulling up right now. I hope your dressed. I mean either way it'll be fun

Sophia: Oh my god. I walking downstairs right now. Bye.

-phone convo ended-

I clicked the red button and turned my phone off. I walked over to my door and opened it and saw Justin. He was wearing black suit pants, white button up, and a black blazer. He looked beautiful. His head was freshly shaven ( like the met gala 2016 after party)

"Hi baldy." I said walking outside and closing the door behind me. I walked closer and was now in front of him.

"I'm not bald. It's a buzzcut." He said making me laugh as there was a smile plastered on his face.

"Where are you taking me."

"It's a surprise."

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