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sophia: hey

justin: hey

sophia: i'm bored. do u wanna come over

justin: u do realize what might happen if I come over

sophia: u do realize I won't stop u

justin: u do realize I will never stop

sophia: neither will I babe

justin: that's a first

sophia: what is

justin: calling me babe

sophia: I know

justin: I like you

justin: alot

sophia: I like me, too

sophia: lol jk. I like you, too

justin: lol. i'll be over there soon

sophia: see u soon

justin: see u

A/n I wanna do some questions for the characters. Also I will be introducing Alfredo, Ryan and Chaz soon. Maybe some drama with Hailey. Who knows. If you have any questions for me our any of the character like Justin, Sophia, Alfredo, Ryan or Chaz, comment down below and I'll update and answer the questions. Also ask me some questions guys. New update soon guys xoxo

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