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OMG GUYS!!!!! this book just hit 1.2k views and 120+ votes. I'm so thankful, and for that, another update.

justin: Sophia. how many times do I have to say i'm sorry

sophia: justin, so help me god, I will block ur number.

Justin is calling...

-phone convo-

sophia: What, Justin? What could you possible want at 1 in the damn morning?

justin: Sophia I'm sorry. I wa-

sophia: You were drunk. It's not like it's the first time you've said it.

justin: I didn't mean to call you a bitch

sophia: That was wrong, but texting me saying you can't wait to fxck was another. You made me feel like all the other girls you've texted for a booty call.

justin: I didn't mean to say any of that.

sophia: Justin I don't care. What's done is done. Was there purpose behind that shit since your so caught up in purpose being behind everything.( buy Purpose on iTunes)

justin: Sophia

sophia: Justin. I'm so beyond pissed. When you texted me that I wanted to cry. I felt like a side ho. You made me feel worthless. First you say 'I can't wait to fxck' then you say 'hop of my dick, bitch' just because I was trying to make sure you were safe.

justin: I looked back at those messages and I understand that now, but at the time I wasn't sober. My mind was straight.

sophia: All I wanted to know was if you were safe, Justin.

justin: I know that now, baby.

sophia: don't call me that

justin: sophia com-

sophia: Goodbye Justin.


Call ended

Justin's POV

I threw my phone on the floor not caring if it cracked or not. I walked out into my hallway and paced back and forth. I turned to the wall and punched it leaving a hole in it. My knuckles started to bleed. I walked into my bathroom and wrapped a bandage around the wound.

I walked back into my room, and picked up my phone. The screen was surprisingly not cracked. When I turned my phone on, it went to Sophia's and I's conversation. How can I be such an asshole. Being drunk was just an excuse. I should've thought before I typed anything to Sophia before hurting her.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed into the open running my fingers through my hair. I walked down stairs to my kitchen and opened the fridge. I grabbed a beer. Before I opened it, I texted Sophia.

justin: come to my house.

sophia: no

justin: do it

sophia: why should i

justin: do it before things get out of hand. do it before I get out of hand.

sophia: r u drunk again

justin: will be

sophia: what's ur address

justin: here (address here lol)

I clicked my phone off, and opened the beer.

"Here's to fxcking everything up."

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