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Sophia's POV

We pulled up to the restaurant and we were instantly swarmed with paparazzi. Justin walked over to me and put his hand on the arch of my back. I covered my face with my hand as Justin guided me to the door. Once we were inside they stayed outside, but still took pictures. I sighed once inside and Justin looked pissed. I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed it letting him know everything is fine.

"Party under Bieber." He spoke to the male waiter. He took 2 menus and told us to follow him. Justin took my hand and we followed him. We got a couple of glances and looks. I just shrugged it off and continued to walk until we got to our table. The waiter gave us our menus and flashed me a smile.

"I don't like him." Justin said making me laugh. He looked up at me and winked.

"There's nothing to be worried about." I told him and grabbed his hand. I looked at the menu and saw they had some classic things like burgers and steak and things like that. I felt Justin look over at me a couple of times.


"Nothing. You just look really beautiful tonight."

"Versus all the other days you've seen me." I said joking with him.

"You look beautiful always." he said changing his answer. I just smiled at him and looked at my menu. I decided I would get a steak because I was really hungry. I set my menu down and looked up and saw the same waiter coming. Once he reached his table Justin looked up and rolled his eyes before looking back down at the menu. I kicked him underneath the table because he was being extremely rude. I looked back up at the waiter and flashed him a smile.

"Hi guys, what can I get you started with."

"Dr. pepper." I said then looked at Justin waiting for him to respond.

"A beer." Justin said taking out his driver license and showed the waiter. The waiter looked at the ID and just nodded his head before walking away.

"Don't be an asshole."

"He's giving you love eyes."

"Justin oh my god. He's just doing his job." I said laughing at him. He just looked at me before looking down at his menu. I smiled to myself.

"Dr. Pepper and a beer." The waiter said setting the drinks down.

"Are you ready to order?" He asked looking at me.

"I'll have a steak medium rare." I said handing him my menu. He took my menu and looked at Justin.

"I'll have what she's having." Justin said handing his menu in. The waiter wrote down our order and left.

-skip everything cuz i'm lazy-

Justin got out his wallet and so did I before Justin put his hand up.

"I got this." He said. I argued with him before I ended up putting my wallet back in my purse. Justin laid down the money, and he got up. He stuck his hand out and I took it. I got up and followed him outside. As soon as we got outside, we we're swarmed with paparazzi. I held onto Justin's hand tighter as I heard remarks being said.

Once we got in the car, I put my hand up to face as Justin tried to pull out of the parking space. Once we we're out of the parking lot, I took my hand away from my face. I looked out the window and sighed. I felt bad for Justin because he had to go through with this everyday.

"I'm sorry Sophia." He finally spoke.

"It's fine."

"No it's not. I can't date anyone because there either afraid of the media or can't handle it. I really want to be with you, but I feel like I can't." He said as he gripped the steering wheel harder. I grabbed his hand off the steering wheel and squeezed his hand.

"As long as I'm with you."

A/n its officially been a month since I started this book and this book already has 12k views. Guys i'm so thankful. Also Justin's new merch comes out tomorrow online at urban outfitters. Hope u saved ur money cuz I know I did. Also to the snakes who released Justin's nudes, I hope ur happy living a lie, and saying you didn't post the nudes whe u clearly did, then u got called out, and u deleted them. Thanks bitches.

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