Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

We left the party as it was dying down. The only people left were the ones that weren't passed out and were barely still standing. After Damon slipped out the door, I didn't see him for the rest of the night. Even though I wanted to see him, I'm sure it was a good thing he was no where to be seen after our Spin the Bottle incident.

"Are you positive it is okay we stay here tonight?" I asked Maddy as we parked in her driveway. The engine sounded so loud in the dead of the night. As it came to a stop, the silence surrounded us again. It was peaceful this late at night along the coast. Like every other home here in Lockport, Maddy's house sat along the ocean too. The winning crescent moon dimly lit the sky making it slightly difficult to find the way to the door of her house. "Yes, the parental unit is out of town for the weekend visiting my brother at college," she said, "Got to love parents weekend at the fraternity house." She was laughing giddy still from the alcohol we had had tonight. To ensure we made it back safely, I only drank a couple of beers. There was no need to crash tonight.

"I stay here all the time!" Jerek chimed in draping his long boney arm around Maddy's shoulders.

"But you always sleep in Jake's room," She pointed out to him even though I knew he knew that already.

"Not tonight," He smirked at Maddy and she turned the shade of a freshly red tomato. I could tell she was burning up even in the cool night.

"TMI!" I covered my ears laughing as I watched Maddy turn the key in the door unlocking. My concentration was broke when I heard Jerek speaking a little too loudly to me.

"Well Kam, how was your first Lockport party?" he asked me as we were heading in the door to Maddy's house quietly as if her parent's were going to be sitting on the couch waiting up for us with the light on. That's how it went in the movies at least. You know, the oh so typical teen sneaks in through the front door past their curfew and their dad is sitting in the chair with the light on?

How was my first party here? There was at least fifty things I could talk about pertaining to the party, but I could only really think of one thing that happened to me worth talking about and that was my kiss with Damon. I decided not to bring it up unless they did first. What they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

"It was really fun." The party was definitely one for the books. It lasted until about three in the morning when Turner actually passed out on the beer pong table knocking over almost every cup full onto the floor. He was mid-shot and face planted onto the table. Everyone was right when they said that kid can party till he drops. He proved himself worthy of literally going until he passed out tonight.

"Well and now Dallas and you are an item wouldn't you say?" Maddy asked while leaning up against Jerek as we stood in the kitchen drinking a much needed glass of water.

"I suppose so," I shrugged my shoulders lousily.

"What's with the 'I suppose so' bull crap?" She asked using finger quotations around the phrase I had just said.

"I just don't know Dallas very well, you know?" I said shrugging my shoulders up again. Truth be told Dallas was not the one I wanted to get to know, "I only just met him literally a few hours ago. It has not been long enough to know if I even have feelings for the guy yet."

"Well then get to know him Kam," she pointed at me.
"He is a good guy you know, much better than Damon would be for you," Jerek spoke up. I quirked my eyebrow up. Was he catching on to my sudden interest in Damon? He probably had a point there. Damon was definitely someone I should not get too involved with.

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