Again (14)

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"...lone in the room."

"Where was her knight?"

"Nowhere to be found. Probably talking with the rest of the Guard; with those pieces falling down to Starfall he probably didn't know what to do. He was almost to Dunnellon when we-"

"Hush. I think it's conscious."

The third voice fell silent and she heard footsteps coming closer to where she was laying.

She opened her eyes and blinked a few times in the faint light. Four men and a woman were standing in the corner of a room, a solitary torch glowing brightly from the wall beside them. She was immediately on alert but held herself still.

"You awake?"

Zelda looked over and saw a second woman sitting beside the bed she was resting on.

"Good..." she said softly.

Zelda remained silent as she raced to figure out her situation.

"Aren't you going to ask what happened?" the woman asked with a frown.

"Maybe it can't talk."

"I wish you couldn't, Moir," the woman snapped.

In the resulting silence, Zelda looked at the woman. "Questions haven't... really gotten me anywhere so far..." Zelda said quietly. She felt numb; so much had happened, she felt that waking up in a strange place was just another cherry on that unpleasant pie.

"Those knights have no decency whatsoever. I've said it for years-"

"Watch it Tel, I was a knight."

"I'm aware," the woman replied with a smirk and then she turned back to Zelda. "Do you remember anything?"

"I just remember waking up from a dream in an empty room," she said as she tried to put her hand to her face, only to find her wrists chained to the bed frame.

"Sorry about the restraints, we weren't sure how you would... react," Tel explained.

"It's not the first time I've woken up tied to something this week," Zelda replied. "React to what? Where am I?"

"Questions will get you nowhere," a man said.

"Shut up, Moir," Tel snapped and then she turned back to Zelda, "You're inside the-"

"Don't tell it anything, Telthati," came a new voice.

Tel turned around and put her hands on her hips. Zelda couldn't see who she was looking at. "She has a right to know what's going on."

"Thank you!" Zelda cried, and she would have raised her hands in exclamation, but they were chained.

Tel's lip twitched as she glanced back at the girl on the bed for a moment.

"You ain't the head around here. My dad is."

"I don't care what you think Kreuk wants. He's not here," she snapped as she turned back to Zelda. "Apologies. You want to know where you are?"

"I do."

"Alright, but first tell me everything you know."

This annoyed her. Does there always have to be a requirement to tell me what's happening? "Why?"

"So I don't have to repeat anything," she said simply. So simply and genuinely that Zelda actually believed her.

She bit her lip and then shrugged. "I really don't know anything that's going on."


"All I know is my father died in an accident and then Link... Then Link got all weird and... He said something about the Frost tribe almost catching us, and then we were in the forest and he tied me to a tree... Then something fell from the sky, and we went to a motel and he left me there," Zelda shrugged... "That's all I know."

Tel looked at her with a sympathetic gaze. "You poor thing... I'm sorry you've had to go through all of that alone."

Zelda shrugged but looked at her gladly for the support. "Thank you..."

Tel considered her for a few seconds. "You're welcome," she said and leaned forward, sticking a key into the shackles on her wrists.

"Wait you can't let it go-"

"I can and I did. If she is really as bad as you seem to think, then she can break out on her own," she said firmly. "How about we be nice for once?" Tel said as she held out a hand to pull Zelda up from the bed.

She smiled and accepted the hand. "Thank you," she said gratefully. What does she mean I could break out on my own though...

As she was led along, the stranger said. "You must have cared for Kae... I was... sorry to hear word of his death."

Zelda's eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "You knew my father?" And he only died a few days ago...

"Kaebora used to be an old friend of mine... a long time ago."


"Hush a moment, wait and see this first," she said as she pulled Zelda after her, past the group of people in the corner, and down a passage.

"You're bringing it outside?"

Zelda twirled around, her hand still in Tel's, and glared at the man speaking. "Every time you've spoken about me you have referred to me as an 'it' and I will not take that standing down, you toad-faced-twit," she growled.

"Crow, she's got venom," laughed another man as he clapped the offending one on the shoulder. "Let's go, Moir."

Tel smiled appreciatively at Zelda and then led her up a small passageway, "Sorry about that... Moir doesn't like the position we're in right now."

She was silent as she was led along. Of course, she was curious at Tel's words, but she didn't want to ask and not get answers. Again. That didn't stop her from wondering what the heck was going on at every step of the way though.

"Here we are," Tel said as she opened a door, and sunlight poured down the hallway.

Zelda winced for a moment as her eyes tried to adjust. When they did, she stepped past the woman and her eyes went wide. A huge open field was in front of her, the purest blue sky she had ever seen was above her, and she could see large trees with leaves blowing in the wind far down the length of a valley. She felt like her breath had been taken away from her. In fact... It was actually a little difficult for her to breathe.

"Over here," Tel called as she walked up a mossy, stone staircase.

Zelda stumbled after her as she walked up to the edge of what looked like a fortress.

"Take a look," Tel said with a smile.

Zelda did just that, and then her jaw dropped. In front of her were clouds, birds... and a hulking island floating in the sky in front of her. She looked down, past the clouds, and down to the surface below. "Is this..."

Tel held her hand out to the clouds with a smile. "Welcome to the sky." 

Falling Worlds; Zelink, Modern Magic AU (The Legend Of Zelda)Where stories live. Discover now