Experiments (40)

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Zelda closed her eyes, clinging to the thought that this was all a part of their plan. While she thought she couldn't be hurt, the determination of this woman was actually frightening.

She grunted as her head connected with the ceiling, then held in another when she was thrown at the wall and left to crash into the floor.

"Feeling anything?" Mye asked in the tone of a nurse assessing her patient.

"I'm feeling a little bored actually," she replied.

That's just going to make her try harder, why are you like this.

The chair raised into the air again and then crashed into the ground, then she found herself hanging upside-down in the air.

Zelda spat the hair out of her mouth and glared at the woman.

"Well don't worry, little stone, this is just the warm up."


Mye smiled a creepily sadistic smile. "Are you ready to start today's experiments?" she asked.

"Oh, so ready," Zelda snapped sarcastically. "Why didn't we have any when I arrived? I'm feeling a little neglected."

Mye smiled again. "Because they weren't quite ready. The guard caught you quicker than I thought they could. I suppose your mommy didn't teach you to play hide and seek very well," she chided.

"I didn't have a mother."

Mye lifted her hand and the chair rose from the ground. "Pity, I'm sure she regrets that now." She walked out a side door and Zelda got yanked after her like a helium balloon on a string.

Amidst the trace of pain from bobbing into the ceiling over and over, she processed that woman's words. I'm sure she regrets that now. Did this crazy psycho know something about her mother? But no, Link had said that she didn't even have any parents. Let alone a mothe- she hit the top of the door frame and Mye merely pulled harder till she scraped through.

"Ah, here we are..." Mye said as she held Zelda facing the ceiling so she couldn't see anything.

"Something tells me this will be a wonderful time."

It wasn't.

As Mye laughed she threw Zelda downward.

She didn't even have time to draw in a breath before she hit the water and gasped. The liquid coursed down her throat and she tried to sputter but she had no air at all to drive it out with. She opened her eyes but all she saw was darkness.

She was drowning, and there was nothing she could do about it.


Zelda refused to open her eyes, even as she struggled back to consciousness. She could have sworn she could still feel the burn of the water in her lungs... and that was probably because it was still there. She spat a mouthful onto the floor and then groaned. "That was pleasant..."

No, it wasn't. That was the more terrifying than falling off of the island.


As she heard that crazy woman's chuckle she finally she opened her eyes. What's next... she thought with a touch of dread as she saw a scarily happy looking Mye stalking towards her.

She started to clap the last few feet, then knelt in front of Zelda. "Well you failed to drown, but you look worn out..." she spoke like a vet who was examining the state of a dog. Unfeeling; no remorse.

Yep, she's a psychopath.

"Y-" Zelda barely got one syllable out before she started coughing, her gravely throat searing, but not quite with pain... Just heat.

A lot of heat. Oh... OH. Her eyes widened, then she tried to shift her excitement to fear. Those expressions were similar right?

She had just unlocked her creation of fire, she was sure of it. She could torch this crazy right now if she simply thought about it.

But she had more powers to get. She needed transcendence. She couldn't leave without it... in more ways than one.

"Oh... Does your throat hurt? Perhaps we should try the same experiment again."

Zelda tried to growl, but it didn't really work. "Oh, please do, it was a nice bath."

Mye's constant smile twitched for a moment. "Hmm... Let's move on to something more fun."

"Fun is nice," Zelda replied.

"It will be for me," she said with a giggle. "Bring out number four," she commanded.

The two lacks that had lifted her chair up before came back into the room wheeling a strange looking table... box... With a roaring fire inside.

...seriously. Is that supposed to scare me? Am I going to have to mimic the sound of pain or just look unamused. I just unlocked creation of fire. She stared at the flames. But... Maybe I don't have control over fire yet. She thought about making the flames swoop to the side, but nothing happened.

Okay.... Guess I don't. By the end of this, I just might. "Oh joy." She'd have folded her arms if they weren't tied to a chair. "You know... I prefer the cold."

"Well, that's just too bad, stone." Mye lifted her hand, and Zelda flew out of the chair, the ropes falling away.


Well, Mye did comply with her silent screaming as she threw Zelda onto the fire table and shut a lid over her so she couldn't climb out.

"Ugh, so warm," she thought, then froze. Wait, are my clothes going to burn away?? NUH UH. And with that determined thought, all of the fire leaped to the edges of the box and stayed there, flickering at the walls and charring them black.

Zelda almost laughed. Well then.... What do I do now? Just sit here till she's satisfied? She held back the sarcastic comments for once, she'd rather have this than something else today... Although whatever that something else might be could unlock the powers she wanted. The sooner she could unlock those, the sooner she could escape.

So... Sarcastic comments away.

"Hey, this isn't working, Princess," Zelda called.

As Mye lifted the lid she moved the fire around her again, but not quite close enough to light her clothes. "Princess?" was all she said.

"What, that's what you looked like before you smiled like a jackal." It was after Zelda said it that she thought Mye probably didn't know what a jackal was.

That only made her smile. "Well, if it's not working, we might as well move on..."

Falling Worlds; Zelink, Modern Magic AU (The Legend Of Zelda)Where stories live. Discover now