A New Path (28)

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Zelda laid on her stomach in the booth seat, her feet moving rhythmically back and forth through the air. Tired of sitting, it was all she could do besides pacing in the aisle. It was the third day of riding the train, and she wasn't sure she could take much more of it...

Thankfully they were arriving at their destination that day; a popular mountain town.

They had it all planned out; from transportation to duration.

The day before she had Link search through the internet while she watched. He had to do it because she couldn't use the library's computer. It kept malfunctioning every time she tried. It was agonizing to know that she might never be able to use a computer again.

He had handled everything, and the owners of the cabins were waiting for them to arrive with their full payment. That much cash was bound to raise some questions, but there wasn't another way to go about it. Zelda didn't trust that Hyrule lacked understanding of how to utilize technology to trace digital purchases.

"Before we hire a car to take us to the cabin, we'll need enough supplies to last us awhile," Link said.

"I know..." she replied, her feet halting. "And for that, we'll need several suitcases, and an ice chest," she figured.

He shrugged. "Whatever is necessary..."

She leaned across the gap in the booth and laid a hand on his shoulder. "I know you're not fond of this idea."


"You don't have to hide it from me. You're worried."

Link frowned. "I just think it's dangerous to settle in one spot."

She nodded. "I understand... But what's more dangerous? The small chance that they've tracked us this far, or the chance that those powers you were talking about will come out in the middle of a populated area? I could expose myself, I could hurt someone," she said.

"What happens if they do find us though? What happens if you get captured? What happens if they've figured out a way to kill you?" he asked, leaning close so no one could overhear the strange conversation.

"We'll have time to talk about it once we're at the cabin. Time to come up with plans, where no one can overhear us."

He nodded and looked out the window.

"I'm not ignoring this or being naive." Zelda stood. "I know we can't hide there forever, but..." she moved and sat next to him. "There's a small chance that they could track us this far. I'm willing to take the chance that they haven't. I can't keep running forever."

"I understand," he said, holding out his hand to her.

Zelda looked at it, then took a breath and then tentatively placed her hand on his.

"I don't like taking chances..." he started, "but you're right. It's only a little more dangerous than traveling continuously, and staying in one spot will let us have some calm before the storm."

"I'm glad we agree," she said as she stared at their hands.

Link squeezed once and then let go. "Then our preparations begin when we get out of the train station."


It felt almost domestic to buy all those things that they'd needed. Food, clothing, even dishwasher soap. They'd been assured things like dishes would be available in the cupboards, and blankets for the beds, but they would have to bring their own detergent and soap and the like.

Falling Worlds; Zelink, Modern Magic AU (The Legend Of Zelda)Where stories live. Discover now