Deleted Scenes

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A deleted scene of Kaebora's last words to Zelda


"Dad!" she screamed, running over and falling beside him.

"Zelda... I..."

"Daddy! No! You'll be alright, hold on!"

"I'm... I'm not-" He started to cough, and blood came from the side of his mouth.

"What are you talking about? You'll be fine! Just hold on!"

"You are the foundation... you must... He's coming for you... don't... the ki...."

"Dad! Dad no!!! Keep talking, you'll be fine!"

"Your birthday..."

"Keep talking, help wi-"

Her father raised his hand up to her cheek and said, "It's too late... when it comes... be careful my Zellie. Whatever they tell you... you must... win. You're more than they know. I believe in you. I... I always will..."



A deleted scene that I wrote while I was still figuring out how and when to reveal the things I needed to reveal. I had them set a lot earlier in the first write up. (This one is no longer canon, but is actually hilarious to me)



"I thought you believed in Hyrule?"

"I do... But... I thought you didn't."

She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. Then his words slowly sank in. They were in the forest, running away from a band of people called the Frost Tribe, who had blown up half of her house... And apparently wanted to destroy Hyrule.

"You wanted answers." He said as he watched her confused face.

"Yeah but... This is kinda... Am I being messed with?"

"Absolutely not."

She narrowed her eyes at the canopy. "You sure?"

"I'm a Hylian."

"Yeah, you're nuts."

"I'm serious. Man, you really need to start trusting me."

"And why would I do that? All of this crap started to happen when you rolled into our lives."

"No, all of this crap is happening because you're almost eighteen. And though I don't know much about i-"

"I'm not almost eighteen."

"Your actual birthday is in three weeks."

"I just turned seventeen last week."

"Yeah, sorry, no..."

"You really expect me to believe that my father was-"

"Yes, I do. Seriously. Why would I make all of this up? Anyways, as I was saying, I don't really know much about the process but I do know that in three weeks, you're no longer indestructible."

"... Indestructible? Me."


"You. Are. Crazy."

"No. I'm. Not." He said as he pulled something out of his pocket quickly.

She didn't even have time to scream before a knife hit her square I the chest. A low humming sound came from where it hit, and bounced off like nothing.

She stared at Link for a second, then down at the whole in her shirt from the blade and then looked at the bent metal with wide eyes. "What the he-"

"Like I said, indestructible."

"This is... I'd really like to wake up now." She said as she squeezed her eyes shut.

"You're not alseep Zelda. This is happening."

"What is happening? I don't know what's going on."

"Shall I just explain everything."

"Yeah, and make it snappy." Zelda demanded.

Link sighed. "Why so I have to be the babysitter...." He muttered and then folded his hands in front of him. "Like I said, I don't know the whole story but I'll do my best to let you wrap your brain around it... A long time ago there was a stone that was said to hold an immense power within it. It was said that the stone was left behind by a goddess-"

"The Triforce?" Zelda interrupted.

Link glared for a moment. "Do you mind?"


"This stone is what holds the islands in the sky, and makes life above the clouds possible to live. However, the legends also speak of a time when the stone will no longer be a ray of hope, but a beacon of destruction. Unless destroyed, this stone will be the undoing of the kingdom."

"Okay, this is all very interesting, but what the heck does this have to do with me."

Link sighed, "Listen, I don't know much about it, like I said, all I know is that you're the stone."

"... That's not knowing much? That's a heck of a lot. What the heck do you mean I'm the stone? I'm a beacon of destruction? That's ridiculous."

"When you were found, everyone seemed to think so."


"A newborn baby, sitting on top of the pedestal where the stone should have been."

"And then what? It was assumed that baby was a destroyer of kingdoms?"

"You were the baby found."

"Not possible. I've lived here my entire life, with my father."

"You don't have a father."

Zelda glared at him. "I have a father! I... I... I had a father. I had Kaebora, and he was my father."

"Maybe through bond, but not through blood."

"So what, I'm a rock baby? I'm not human?"

"You wouldn't be human even if you were Kae's child."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Kaebora was Hylian."

"What?" Zelda couldn't process what he was saying. "So... So... My whole life is a lie?"

"No... Kaebora loved you. He loved you despite what you are."

"What am I?"

"The destruction of Hyrule."


(this is a little scene between the dream where they find out they've been found, and where she was captured.)

Zelda opened her eyes.

They had planned for hours... crafting the main plan, and every backup plan they could think of.

She jumped out of bed and got dressed quickly, then grabbed the emergency pack from the corner of the room and slung it around her shoulders.

Link left his room as she ran past. "Ready?" he asked.

"Ready," she replied as she looked around the cabin. She felt... sad. Sad they had to leave the place behind. "When this is all over... I want to come back here."

"We will," Link replied, holding out his hand.

Zelda nodded as she took it, and they ran out the back door together.

Link phased his wings, and they jumped into the air.


Falling Worlds; Zelink, Modern Magic AU (The Legend Of Zelda)Where stories live. Discover now