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Ariana did exactly what she said she would. after being there for Justin while taking the test she left. she wanted nothing more to do with him only to tell him about his son. she didn't need a test to know.

holding Jason tightly as she walked down Miami's busy streets she tries to walk as fast as she could through the crosswalk. gasping for air she gets back on pace with her breathing. stopping to look at the street signs she realizes she actually had no idea where she was going. she admits she should've stopped being so stubborn and just rode with Justin then be done with him.

" Ariana ? long time we don't speak do we now baby... oh what is this are you a babysitter now ?"

" leave me alone Dylan i have places to be."

Ariana lets out a heavy sigh trying to get away from Dylan. were people not seeing this man harass her or did they simply not care ?

" eager now are we ?"

ignoring Dylan and his ignorance Ariana walks away heading to a farther street now on 29th rather than 25th she hadn't realized she walked that far.


Ariana had finally found her way back home after a good hour. it cost her a broken heel and a very sweaty Jason. bringing Jason to his crib in his room Ariana leaves quietly hoping to be as silent as possible... but of course her phone had to ring.

" hey Ariana... it's me Justin i just wanted to know if you got home safe it's a very dangerous world out there... tough crowds."

" im a big girl i can handle them. I'm okay is there anything else you need ?"

" well yes two things actually... i just wanted to inform you my results for the paternity test won't come for another three weeks or so... i also wanted to ask you something else."

" hurry Bieber i'm sleepy and moody and those two are never the best combination... it's like mixing orange juice with milk."

" i swear you say the weirdest things. but i wanted to ask you out... like on a date. i wanted to take you to dinner or maybe to the movies so Jason could come."

" that'd be great ! pick me up at 7... bye now!"

hanging up she realized what she had just agreed to. this was going way over the limits it would be too risky. she'd interfere with the plan. but then again she just wanted to go back to the way it was with Justin.

she lets out a rather loud sigh as she lays her back on the carpet floor. for some reason she thought it'd be better to lay on the floor rather than the perfectly good couch beside her.


6:53 pm

Ariana's eyes scanned the clock as she repeatedly looked over it reminding herself if this date thing was a good idea. she promised she wouldn't let him fall for her again just so she can leave again.

slipping on her black heel on her left foot she brushes out her dainty black dress making sure nothing had gotten on it. Jason would be staying with Selena since Ariana didn't want to bother Alexa again.

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