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after leaving the restaurant and gaining couple of laughs from people Justin and Ariana ended up going to her house. Selena left going wherever she went, most likely home to watch the newest season of orange is the new black. now the two were enjoying some wine Ariana had stored in her cabinets. Jason was there too, crawling all over Justin hugging him. at one point he laid on Justin for a full five minutes almost falling asleep... that was until Ariana started yelling and cursing at the tv because she had thought Damon had burned Elena, she was literally five seconds away from crying until Damon learned it wasn't really Elena in the burning coffin. that definitely calmed Ari down and made her much happier.

Jason began to cry again probably from the loud noises coming from the tv. gun noises and explosions, very loud explosions that were just unnecessary. still in Justin's arms Justin stands up to soothe Jason down by rocking him.

" i don't know how you did this all
alone... i'd probably freak out and die."

Ariana lets out a small laugh. Justin sits back down into the tiny fort they had made. once he was seated and comfortable. Ariana laid down on his lap, Jason's feet hurting her in her nose on accident.

" you okay ?"

Ariana rubs her nose nodding her head to ensure him she was fine. just a minor kick in the nose that's all. Jason looks towards Ariana touching her nose.

" sowwy mommy."

" it's okay baby it was an accident."

Jason looks back up to Justin leaning his head on his shoulders. Justin takes another sip of the little bit of wine left in the glass. Jason pointing at it as Justin drank a bit of it.

" daddy ? that's bad !"

Justin merely choking on the wine he was sipping. Ariana's eyes shot up giving a confused look at Jason. she's never heard him say or even taught him the word dad or daddy.

" what the hell ? did he just-"

" I think he did."

Jason laughs as the two look at each
other still shocked. Jason lets out a small yawn comforting himself on Justin as he falls slowly asleep. once Ariana is sure Jason is asleep she takes him from Justin's arm and walks to his room to lay him down in his crib, Justin following. closing the door but leaving it slightly open the two go back to the living room.

" I-i still can't believe it he called me daddy."

" hey don't get to cocky he's a kid he doesn't know what he's saying ."

Ariana only said this out of pure jealously. it took Jason months to learn to say mommy and he only had to see Justin for two hours to say daddy to him.

" i'm just messing with you Bieber ."

Ariana gives him a rather forced smile and gives him a light hug.


" i-i don't want to do that to him, you know how much it'll hurt him."

" so you rather let your own child die just to save your so called 'love of your life' ... get over yourself Ari, this is a fucking one year old we're talking about ! i love you but can you stop being such an idiot."

" y-you d-don't understand p-please i-i need the both of them i-in my life !"

hearing shuffling sheets and a loud groan Ariana immediately ends the call turning off her phone. laying back down she pretends to be asleep.

" baby why the hell are you awake ?"

Justin speaks groggily since he was rudely interrupted by a voice. Justin looks down at the floor seeing his phone laid there charging, touching the home screen button he looks at the time. squinting his eyes from the brightness of the screen.

" it's 4 in the morning ! go to bed."

getting a pillow from beside him, he grabs it tightly then throws it lightly towards Ariana. her letting out a low "ow" muffled by both her crying and the pillow that was covering her face.

" hey, hey what's got your mind thinking so much that you're crying at 4 in the morning ?"

if Justin could go back to sleep, he wouldn't, and now he wouldn't until he learned what was bothering her so much that she had to ruin his dream. okay maybe he didn't really mind getting interrupted  in his sleep...

" i-it's n-nothing ."

her voice weak as a few tears rolled down her chocolate brown eyes, her quickly wiping them so Justin wouldn't notice she was still crying, even though the room was pitch black and you could barely see anything.

" obviously it's something if you're awake this late or early."

" this doesn't concern you Justin just go back to sleep please."

Justin groans trying his best to go to sleep but couldn't because it bothered him that someone had triggered her.


no we are not back to short chapters this is just like a lil insight of the next chapter !

okay that's it baiii

update: there's this chapter in writing and i want 2 write smut but like i just. If i write it it'll b literally trAsh ( i say that about everything lmao )

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