Chapter 11

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Alice's POV:

“I think her head is badly damaged..”

“yeah, but not too bad that she will need ajustments.”

I open my eyes wide hearing those first words since I had fallen.

“what happened? Where am I now?”

“Hello miss. I am Dr.Shur. and your name is Alice Rameriz?”

“uhh yeah? How do you know that?”

“after you fell over this young lady brought you over to the closest hospital.” Dr.Shur said pointing his hand over at a young girl about my age sitting in the chair behind him. She had Short blonde hair a lot like mine. She had on a red plaid shirt and black yoga pants with some UGGS. She was cute.

“oh. But how do you know my name still?” I ask again since he had clearly ignored my question.

“we saw your drivers liencence. Now miss. Rameriz, I am going to need you to do something for me but don’t be stranged out about it.” He stated while handing me and small clear little cup with a black top.

“uh okay.” I say again looking at the girl trying to figure out why she is still in the room.

“im going to need you to go pee in this cup because I think I might know why you were so out of balance today. There is a bathroom right outside this door to your left.” He told me, practicly pushing me out of the room after he closes the door right at my face.

“alright thanks.” I say hands in the air to the door.

This is weird, I think to myself walking into the bathroom to do what I was told.

I pick out the second stall and close the door. “well here we go.” I whisper to myself while trying to get as much out as I can.

I close the door and walk out of the bathroom and into the office again.

“that was quick. Here let me have it. Now im gonna go examine this, stay here.” Walking out of the room leaving me here with the blonde girl.

The awkward silence in the air broke after she looked at me and stated, “Hi! I’m Maya!”

“uhmm  I’m Alice… thank you for taking me to the hospital and not letting me die there.”

“of course, I love to help.”

“haha well thank you.”

“yeahh…” she said a little awkwardly right before Dr.Shur burst into the room again.

“I seem to have been correct Miss. Rameriz.”

“Corect on what?”

“before I tell you, have you been having morning sickness anytime soon?”

“well yeah I had some this morning why?”

“and have you throw up anytime soon?”

“well…” I start staring at the ground.

“then it has to be..”

“it has to be what?” said Maya coming out of her chair almost about as curious as I am.

“you, are pregnant.”

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