Chapter Two - Painful Realization

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I watch as Emma slowly backs away into her room, she hides there for the rest of the night. If I were her, I most likely would do the same thing. Or maybe I would help my brother, I don't want to think about it.

Mother came into the kitchen as soon as I got up and rushed to the washroom. I squeezed put soap and turned the water on to clean the cuts after pulling out the shards of broken glass. Each time I would take one out, blood wpuld gush put like a slow valcano. After I was finished, I went to my room and settled down. Tomorrow is my first day back to school ever since my schedule has changed. My social life won't be effect, it's not like I have friends. I don't want any, nor do I need any. No one can know my secret. Not to mention having friends over or to go over to a friends house would make my father even angrier than he already always is. I don't care! I don't want anybody in my life! Nobody cared.

That's what my father always told me, and I believed him. People always left me, why wouldn't I believe him. I've given my trust out to many people, it always ended with them telling me they lied the whole time. They would say I would never find anyone to care for and no one would care for me. Everyone who had the courage to speak to me told me I was worthless, that the everyone's life would be better without me. And I believe it.

Time skip to 6 am.
Sunlight peeks through my small bedroom window awakening me for the day. I hate sunlight, it forces you to be seen. I don't want anyone to see me; I want to hide forever. Being isolated is how I've always lived, and I liked it that way.

Five minutes after waking up I decided to get ready, of course what I wear today is a pair of black skinny jeans and a long sleeved black shirt. I toss my backpack on quietly slide passed my parents room being sure not to wake them. After that, I tiptoe on across the kitchen. I don't bother getting eating breakfast. I'm not even hungry! I think to myself OBVIOUSLY lying. In fact I was loosing weight because I didn't eat enough. :(

A/N I just finished this chapter and WattPad decided nope! Let's delete half of it and kick you off of the app!!! So sorry if the rest of the chapter isn't AS GOOD as it was... well you don't know what I wrote before....... but I needed to say it anyway. >^/

On my way to school Casper walks up behind me. He's the only person who actually talks to me. I wish he didn't, he's not the nicest person... "Hey, Daniel How-bout-you-get-a-life!"

I ignore him and keep walking. "Now!" He hollers out. Turning around, I see a tall muscular guy, a pair of twins, and a girl with deep charcoal coloured hair running toward me. I spin back around and run, I know what is happening. While I run, I bump into someone.

"Huh?" I hear the person say. I don't look back to see who it is, I keep running. Eventually, I'm out breath so I turn into a shadowy ally. Hoping Casper and his so called friends don't find me, they walk straight into the ally way. Great...

The muscular guy pins me to the wall, his strengh is fanominal. And quite frightening. Casper pull something out of his pocket, it looks like a, uh, oh. Knife!

"Help! Someone, help! Please!" I yell as loud as I possibly can. "Help!!!¡¡¡..."

Casper drive the knife through my jeans ripping them. He doesn't cut me though. He looks up at me and gives me his signature mischievous grin. I squirm to get away but everytime I do so, the guys grip gets even more tight and he digs his nails into my abused skin. "Help!" I yell once more.

"Shut up, f@***t!!!" The girl says, she then puts duck tape on my mouth!

Casper slowly drives the knife into my right thigh leaving a deep cut. I breath heavily through my nose, blood trickles down my leg and stains my clothes. He then slices the knife across my cheek, directly below my left eye. I can feel the blood cautiously flow down my face and drip off my chin.

"What the!?" A man's voice is heard from the ally opening. Tears in my eyes gracefully fall and burn the cut on my face. He's going to die as well as me. He doesn't deserve this! Maybe, I don't know. I MEAN I DON'T KNOW HIM AND I SHOULDN'T CARE!!!!!!! HE WON'T HELP ME!!!

The girl looks over at him. "You seen nothing, you got that?" He doesn't move, I can see fear in his features. Then I notice, he nods. He slowly scoots away. THAT A&&!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S JUST GOING TO PRETEND HE DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!!!!!!

"Where were we? That's right, slowly making you bleed out!" Casper laughs. "You deserve what's coming to you!" Did I forget to mention that, the "reason I deserve" this. Okay, so you know how people make rumors up about other people they don't like for no fluffing reason? That'd what they did to me. Casper and his "friends" went around school saying I'm a pedophile, a murderer, and I keep to myself waiting for someone to have pity on me so I can take their soul or whatever.

Casper turns to me and punches me in the jaw. Pain jolts through me and he strikes agian. He then punches my eye, I feel my eye tear up with pain, fear, and anger. One of the twins grabs Casper's knife and holds it to my neck.

"Today is your last day," he whispers. This frightens me, I'm kind of relieved as well. I wanted to die. I'm worthless, everyone would be better without me. This was good. Right? No one cares about me! This wouldn't change anything! I need this! My mind explodes with thoughts saying I want this or if don't want this.

The girl rips the duck tape off, "Anylast words, fluffboy?" She grins.
"JUST KILL ME ALREADY!!!!!" I cried out in agony, I hated this torture! Maybe I loved it, I don't know. I'm used to it! No! I'm tierd of it!!! I want to die and that is final! I'm depressed and worthless as it is!!! The only effect this will have on people's lives will be good, everyone's life will be better without me!!!

"Emma," I whisper... I remember Emma, I cant let her live alone with mother and father! I finally realize he reason to live. My sister. The twin with the knife hands it to Casper. He raises it to my neck just how the twin had it.

"I'm gonna do it," he grunts. My eyes fill with more tears blurring my vision. Suddenly, a flash of red and blue lights are seen and a loud siren is heard by the group. "I'm gonna do it! I'M GONNA DO IT, DANIEL!!!!!!!"
"PUT THE WEAPON DOWN!" A cop commands to Casper.

"If you take one step closer to me, I swear I will end his life!" Casper recoils. He stares into the cops eyes then lurches toward him. The cop quickly takes out his taster and shoots him with it. Casper fall to the ground slightly shaking.

"Put him down," he says to the muscular guy pinning me to the wall. When he let's me go, I dart away in the other direction as fast as I can behind the ally. I sit next to a trash bin and cover my face with my hands. I feel hot tears drip from my eyes along with blood from my cut open cheek.
Phil's pov

"Help!" I hear the guy yell once more. With adrenaline rushing through me, I follow his voice. And then I see him. He is being pinned to the wall by Chris, he goes to my school.

"What the..." I axidently say aloud after seeing my now exfriend cut the guys face with a knife. Red shining blood dances down his face, reaching his chin and dripping to the concrete. The poor boy looks at me with tears in his chocolate brown eyes.

"You seen nothing, you got that?" Casper's girlfriend threatens me. I can see the evil flare in her eyes, this frightens me. All of this does! I nod and cautiously back away. Once I'm not visible by any of them, I call the police and inform them on what is happening.

"We'll be there as soon as possible."

Finally the police arrive, they taze Casper and get everyone into the police car. I notice one person is missing, he boy with the chocolate brown eyes. Where did he go? I decide to look back down the ally once the police car leaves. He's gone. Instinctively, I begin to look for him. Beginning with behind he ally. That's the only way he could have gone. I jog down the ally and see the only turn is right, so I turn that way. Looking around I see the boy.

He is sitting down with his hand hiding his face. I felt really sad just looking at him, I hate seeing peole in pain. And there he was in so much pain. I walk up next to the fragile boy; I sit next to him and place my hand on his shoulder. He flinches away from me at lightly speed.

"Are you okay?" I whisper looking at him look at me with teary eyes. His eyes were breathtaking, I could get lost in them. I couldn't help but to stare. He was beautiful.

Word count is 1656.

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