Chapter Three - It's All My Fault

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Dan's pov

"Are you okay?" A soft, calming voice echos. Pain tunnels down my arm when they place their heavy hand on my weak shoulder. I look up, tears filling in my eyes, it's that boy from earlier. He had bright ocean blue eyes that sparkled even though we were in the shadows of the buildings. His black fringe carelessly fallen over his right eye, his ravishing lips, his exemplary shape, his compassion, it almost made me smile, almost.

"Y-yes," I stutter with my words, he looked like an angel.

"Are you sure, thoughs guys really hurt you?" He takes his sleeve and wipes the blood and tears off my face.

"Yeah," He looked really concerned, I didn't want him to help me.

"Come on," he held out his hand to help me up, but I declined the offer and got up by myself. "My name is Phil, Phil Lester. What's yours?"

Phil tilted his head waiting for an answer, "Uh, m-my name is, uh, Dan."

"Nice to meet you Dan," Phil began, "What school do you go to?"

"Uh, insert school name here," I looked down at my shoes to avoid eye contact.

"Awesome! I go there too! School should be starting soon, we should get going. The office has extra clothes and I have band-aids in my locker. I'm really clumsy, I almost fell on the way here actually!"

"Uh-err, okay... I guess so," I force a smile and begin walking towards school with Phil. I didn't quite trust Phil, actually, I don't trust anyone.

Time skip to lunch

Phil's pov

"Hey, Louise!" I smile brightly. She sat down at the usual lunch table eating her lunch. After sitting down, I realize she's crying. "What's wrong?"

"He cheated on me!" She wailed on and on about what a jerk Chris was.

"Speaking of Chris, he's in jail now. I guess it's karma!" I try to joke.

She wipes her tears, "Are you serious!? How did he get out in jail?!"

"I don't know for sure, but I do know he, and Casper, Casper's girlfriend, and the twins were about to murder a student here! The cops came and took them in their cop car."

"How do you know all of this?"

"Well, I was there. I saw Casper holding a knife to Da - a student here and was about to, you know, end his life."

"What student was it?"

"I can't say, it's not something I want to spread around. I should have even told you, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I understand. I won't tell anyone else about this," Louise seemed to have cheered up a bit.

I respond with "Thank you," and start eating my school lunch. The food here so tasteless. When I'm about done eating, I spot Dan. He's sitting alone at a table not touching his food, just staring at it. He looks isolated and hurt, the sight makes me upset.

'Ring' the bell rings for fifth hour so I skip to my locker, get my stuff ready for reading, and dance my way over there.

I get myself situated at my desk getting ready for class. I scan the room seeing if any new students joined this class after the some schedules changed. Dan is in the back of the class twiddling his thumbs, I guess he's one of he new students. How did I never see him around the school before?

"For the people who's schedule switched, my name is Mr. Gideon. For everyone, take your textbooks and turn to pages 182. You'll see that is chapter 1 to a new story. I'm putting you guys in groups of two to read it, answer the questions in the textbook about this chapter, and make you own trailer about it in Goodle slides." The teacher announces, "Louise and Patrick, Fred and Daniel, Adam and Ted, Wendy and Phil, Kirsten and Damion,..." Mr. Gideon names off everyone putting them with a partner.

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