Chapter Seven - What's Wrong With Phil

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   "It's nothing," Phil responds monotonously.

   "Are you sure?"

   "Well, I can't tell you. Yet anyway."

   "Okay then... would it make you feel better if we go out for icecream?" I ask.

   Phil looks at me, "Yeah, " he smiles his forced smile.

Time skip

   After going to get icecream, we walk around London. Shops were just opening as we passed them and people heading out of their houses to go to work. "Hey Phil, it just hit me. I have to get a job."

   "Yeah," he frowns, is this what he's upset about? "Maybe we could find a job together?"

   "Sounds great," I assure him. We walk passed many buildings and finally come across one with a 'help needed' sign. It was a restaurant. Phil and I walk in admiring the place. Round tables with velvet coloured table clothes, small but unique chandelier.

Time skip (sorry)

   Phil and I spent all day trying to find a job, the restaurant didn't work out, the stores didn't work out, and working as a janitor wasn't a choice because I wasn't up for cleaning toilets and the floor on my hands and knees. Now that I really think about it, Phil and I should go back to school. But would Phil be up to going back?

"Hey, Phil?"

"Uh, yes?" He looks down at his dirty white shoes with sorrowful eyes.

"Maybe we should, you know, go back to school. Why about it?" I put on crooked smile and tilt my head.

"Earth to Philly?" I see the lights in his eyes go dark and his eyes harden.

"No," he snaps, "I can't go back to school. And if I would decide to, nobody would want me."

"What are talking about? You're the smartest person ever!"

Our eyes connects. "Dan," his voice quivers.

"What's up?"

"Uh, it's cold out here."

I wrap my arms around him, he leans in. "Tell me for real now, what's going on with you?"

"Just- I can't- um, uh- please don't hate me," his eyes go blank.

"I could never hate you."

"That's what everyone says, next thing you know, they stab you in the back."

"True friends stab you in the front," I chuckle. Anyone get the joke... No? Okay then.

"There is nothing to laugh about," Phil pull away from our cuddle and stands up. He takes a deep breath.

"Phil, please tell me. I love you and I want you happy."

"If I tell you, don't-"

"Don't what?" He looks completely lifeless at this point.


"I love you, Phil, it tares me apart seeing you so miserable."

"Stop saying that." He begins to walk toward the cafe.

"Stop saying what?"

"Saying I love you," I feel as if my heart was taken out of my body, step on, put back, shot, and then turned into a black hole taking out all of the potential happiness out of me.

"Phil, I-"

"I'm dying."


"I'm dying," Phil repeats louder ad turns to look me in the eye. I know what he said the first time, but I wish I didn't.

"How?" It takes Phil a while to answer me but eventually he sputters out a few words.

"I have cancer," his words are ruff and broken into pieces.

I run up to him and wrap my arms around his neck. My face lays upon his chest as I listen to his uneven heart beat.

"Phil, I still love you." When I say this, he pulls away.

"I'm sorry."

I wrote half of this right after the 6th chapter, went away for a LONG while, and now I'm back. Sorry for the wait! (Haha, I say that as if people actually read my books!)

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