Chapter Five - Surprise Party

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Phil's pov

Dan lay curled up in my arms, I didn't care if my mum saw me. I loved him. I was still intimidated at the thought of telling her, she would surely kick me out.

Early in the morning, I awake to Dan facing me asleep. His hand pushed against my chest. His hair fell gracefully over one of his closed eyelids. He breaths peacefully. I get up causously being careful not to wake him up and get dressed for school.

I pick out a pair of jeans and my new jumper. It had the peace tree in the middle with fall leaves drifting toward the bottom of the jumper.

Dan's pov

I wake up, I'm in my house. In my bedroom to be exact. It looks like how it did 12 years ago.... strange. Quietly, I get up to examine the rest of the house. When I reach the kitchen, my father is making breakfast. He looks younger and like his stress and anger just vanished from his features.

"Umm, Dad?" I asked uncertainty. He turned to face me.

"Hey, Daniel! You want some eggs?" He brightly exclaimes with a happy look on his young face.

"No thank you?" I was getting really freaked out. Then my mother came from behind me. What?! She's... d... de, DEAD! How is she here!? She's holding a little girl in her arms... Emma?

"Good morning, Daniel!" She says kindly. Mother didn't look lost anymore, what? Was everything just a nightmare? "Get you sister's breakfast from the counter and bring it to me, please."

"Uh, okay," I look really confused, I didn't know what was going on. My sister was two years old! Does that mean I'm four? What!?

"Did you sleep good?" Mother asks me questionably.

"No, actually I had a horrible nightmare that Father turned into an alcoholic, you were lost in your own world, and I was abused. I had to help Emma from getting hurt from father everyday after school. Not to mention it was 12 year into the future. Then... Father almost shot... my.. friend... and you saved him, you collapsed to the floor and died." Tears erupt from my eyes, "He killed Emma as well with a baseball bat because I wasn't protecting her. It was all my fault! It was my fault Father was an alcoholic! He said I was the reason he drank, he said I was the reason for all the problems in he world... and I believe it."

"Don't you mean you believed it?" Father asks me.

"No, I still do and always will!"

Mother's feature grow older and older by the second. She then turns to dust. Wind carrys her away into the unknow. Father takes the frying pan he used to cook the eggs with and hurdles in Emma's direction. I was quick enough and it hit her, she turned into water and filled the room drowning my father. I didn't die yet, I was slowly loosing my breath though, but I could still breath. "Wake up!" A voice echos in my head.

"Ahuuu!!" I gasp sitting up quickly. "What, what just happened?"

"Come on! We're gonna be late for school, Dan!" Phil complains histarically. I was in his room on the floor lost, lost in my own world. It hit me all of sudden.

"My mother is dead," I whisper, Phil can't hear me, he's still yelling at me to get ready. "and it's all my fault..."

"What?" Conserned Phil asks.

"Nothing!" I get up and get ready. He let's me borrow his clothes again. Walking to school felt like eternity, I kept thinking about how this was really and how I almost had sex with a boy who I just met yesterday. Fluff! Why is my life such a disaster!?

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