Chapter Six - Getting Kicked Out

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Phil pulls away from the loving kiss and holds Dan in his arms. "I'm sorry," Phil admits.

"What are you sorry about?"

Phil crys, "I, I," Dan pulls him into a tight hug. "I was going to."

"You can tell me," Dan assures him knowing what he might say.

"I was going to kill myself," his mum hears the entire conversation, "I needed to see you one last time!"

"It's okay."

"It's not okay, my mum is going to kick me out of the house," Phil cries harder.

"Because of me?" Dan frowns.

"Because of me," Phil declares.

The two boys cry out infront of Phil's family, Louise and her parents, and Dan's abusive Aunt. They don't care what they think anymore. Phil's mum comes up the boys, "Phil, I will not allow you to be this way."

"Mum, I'm sorry. I'm a mistake, I was never meant to be alive and I'm incredibly sorry for that."

"You're right, you are a mistake. I can't believe I gave birth to a son like you." She puts her hand over her forehead.

"Nothing is wrong with Phil!" Dan barks out, "He is nicest, most caring, loyal, generous, and forgiving person there is! Don't tell him he's a mistake! The only mistake he has made was running into me!"

"Running into you was the best thing that has ever happened to me, Dan." Phil quietly speaks, "I can't live without you."

"He was the worst thing that happen to you, Phil. He ruined you life, he brain washed you! He's going to abandon you, you'll see." His mum added.

"Shut up, you don't even know what they have gone through! This is true love!" Louise chimes in.

"Can we please stop fighting!?" Dan's eyes were bloodshot from all the crying.

"Can you get a life and stop harassing my son?!"


Phil's mum swings at Dan's face, she hits him with full force and his nose bleeds. An extreme amount of agonizing pain shoots through his nose. He holds it and stares into her painful eyes holding back a punch. Dan was becoming mentally stronger and that caused him to want to punch back instead of dwelling on it. Instead of holding back his anger he shows it now, he finally shows how he feels.

"Whatever Dan, just stay away from my son. Come on, Phil, it's freezing outside." Phil stood there in the snow, he wasn't going to leave Dan. "Come on, Phil!"

"No," Phil replied sternly.

"No? If you're going to be that way then, then I guess you can't stay at MY house anymore. I'm kicking you out and I don't give a fluff what you think about about it," she points at it."You can pick up your stuff later." She walks to her husband and they both go to their house.

"Dan, I'm not letting you lay even a finger on the house until you stop acting like you're gay." Aunt Darla verbalizes and walks into the warm home.

"It's okay, you guys can stay at my place!" Louise implys.

"Are you sure it's okay with your parents?" Phil gives her a questionable look.

"They are gone for the week, it's fine."

Time skip to 2 years later.
Dan's pov

"Thank you so much for letting us stay here, Aunt Penny and Aunt Catherine." Phil smiles, something has changed about it. His smiles have faded, his eyes have gotten bloodshot, his sentences have been shorter, and thoughts have been kept to himself. "It means so much to us."

"You don't need to thank us, we love you; and if we hadn't let you live here, you would have been living on the streets or something." Aunt Catherine admits. So Phil's two Aunts let us live with them until we reach the age 18 when we could live on our own since I couldn't go to my house nor could Phil live at his parents house.

"I love you guys too," Phil and I exchanged hugs with them and headed off to our new apartment. The car ride wasn't to long, we only lived a half an hour away. On the way Phil looked outside keeping quiet. I kept glancing over to him, he looked like my mother did. Lost, always in their own world. 'What was he thinking about?' I often thought.

Time skip

Phil and I lay on the floor curled in warm blankets since our bed hasn't been shipped yet. His arm wraps around my chest pulling me close. I feel safe, but also worried. Phil hasn't genuinely smiled in a while. The last two years were great, he smiled and laughed, he made me happy. He would always do this adorable thing where before we go to bed he'd sing me song. Each night would be a new one, this made me feel wanted. I told him I loved him and suddenly a week later he stopped singing songs to me, stopped smiling, stopped laughing, ate less, and ignored half the things he'd say to me. I wondered why.

I couldn't sleep last night, neither could Phil. He thought I was asleep and I heard him whispering to himself as he paced around the halls. "What am I going to do?" He would ask over and over to himself. "I'm freaking out!" Phil said one time.

"Good morning, Phil," I look up at him brushing his beautiful ebony hair. "Uh, good morning?"

"Oh, good morning," his says with his voice sounding strained.

"Has something been bothering you lately?" He turns to look at, I see dark circles around his breathtaking blue eyes. It hurts me to see Phil treating himself so badly.

"No, why?" Phil moves from the spot he is brushing his hair to lay beside me looking up at the ceiling.

"I was just concerned, you've been acting different," I lay myself on top of Phil staring into his eyes, his gorgeous ocean eyes.

A/N The picture at the beginning of this chapter took 3 hours to make... this was because I was in the process of picking out a picture of Dan and Phil and somehow ended up on youtube watching Phan moments and stuff. I watched the procrastination video Dan made and I thought. Yup that's what I'm doing right now. And now I'm here. 😜✌

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