Chapter 2 - Chambers

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clear blue skies and the beach with crystal blue sea i grinned. we were back in Narnia the girls giggled and ran to the sea we followed ditching most clothing i was still had a dress but my jumper, coat and shoes were ditched. we played about in the sea we were finally happy again, Peter swung me around water going everywhere i laughed.

"Edmund?" Susan asked we all stopped and looked at him.

"where do you suppose we are?" he asked.

"where do you think" Peter laughed

"it's just i don't remember any ruins in Narnia" i followed his line of sigh it was mainly woodland and ruins.

"let's take a closer look." i took Peters hand and we made our way closer to the ruins we explored i grabbed Lucy and myself a apple biting into it it we  went to the others.

"hey that mine. it from my chess set." Edmund took a chess piece from Susan.

"which chess set?" Peter asked.

"well i hardly had a solid gold chess set in Finchley did i." i looked around and tapped Lucy's shoulder pointing to the distance.

"it can't be" we ran to where i was pointing this was Cair Paravel we where at the five thrones. i grabbed Peters hand.

"don't you see?" Lucy chimed

"what?" Peter asked i put Peter at his throne and Susan at hers

"imagine walls and columns there..." Lucy trailed off.

"and a glass roof" i finished we stood in our places imagine the castle as it was.

"Cair Paravel" Peter got it.

"its ruined"  my voice dropped Peter grabbed my hand and we left the ruin thrones we walked near to where i grabbed the apples.

"Catapults" Ed randomly said.

"what?" Peter asked

"this didn't just happen Cair Paravel was attacked" i covered my mouth.

"is there any way you can tell how long ago" i questioned i hope that it was with Christopher.

"no I'm sorry?" he most likely caught on to my train of thought. Peter and Ed walked off to bush a wall away revealing a hidden door.

Peter  got out his hand knife and cut a hole pushing the door open before ruining his shirt and wrapping the cloth around some wood.

"don't suppose you have a match" he asked Ed. he looked through his back.

"no but will this help" he asked pulling out a torch.

"you could have mentioned that before" i smiled he grinned back before taking the lead, Peter let us girls go first i then recognised it to be the chamber which kept all our stuff. i jogged down  the steps going to my trunk and opened it most of my stuff was in here.

"i was so tall" Lucy commented holding up one of her long dresses.

"well you were older then" Susan replied

"as opposed to now when you're younger" we laughed

"what is it?" Lucy asked she had her weapons.

"my horn i must have left it on my saddle the day we went back" Peter went to his trunk and pulled out his sward

"when Aslan bares his teeth winter meets it death..."

"when he shakes his mane we shall have spring again...Mr Tumnus, the beavers...Christopher they've all gone" she looked like she was on the verge of crying

"i think it time we find out what's going on." Peter stated we agreed and went to our trunks i pulled out a blue and white dress going back to get my sward and bow i found a letter

Mama and Papa

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