Chapter 12 - Second Battle of Beruna

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One of Miraz's Lords helped him up, i had a bad feeling that something was going to happen the exchanged word before i saw one of Susan's red arrows stabbed into him i gaped.

"Treachery, the shot him. they murdered our King" the Lord shouted taking a sward and running off.

"be ready" Peter shouted to everyone

"Peter" Caspian pointed to behind us one of the Telmarine went at him but Peter killed him.

"go" Peter shouted i took out bow and arrow going to where the Telmarines once were looking out at the army Catapults were fired landing near us and our army we watched at the general gave the signal for attack and they did running towards us. i waited then looked back at Caspian giving him a not he left. i took aim, the horn sounded and we began to count.

" READY" he shouted the last part. the ground before them collapsed and lots of horseback riders fell in when the dust settle we shot arrows to those who were trying to get out and the remaining horse riders.

"charge" i swung myself onto a horse and rode into battle shooting my arrows carefully when i ran out i brought out my sward.

"back to the how" Peter yelled i looked back.

"back to the how, back to the how" i called to my fellow Narnian riding back with Ed and Caspian. i saw the catapults attack the how and the entrance collapse on some Narnian's up above a tree collapsed knocking Susan off but she dropped to the top of the collapsed entrance. i rode to Peters side and jumped off.

we looked at the army surrounding the area after sharing looks with the others we charged into battle  i fought many Telmarines endlessly. but more would come and i would kill them i don't know now long it was but i felt something build up inside of me. until i let out a huge

"RRRROOOOAAAARRRR" like was my father i took a deep breath, they did it i smiled but it was short lived as i was back to fighting not long after the earth helped trees and roots sneak attacked my Telmarines i made my way back to the others.

"Lucy and Christopher" Peter beamed

"with a little help from me and my father. he's letting me into his Roar." i smirked the Catapults attacked the trees.

"oh no you don't cover you hears." i roared again and the roots dug underground travelling towards the catapults and crushed them. Narnian's cheered

"FOR ASLAN!" me and Peter yelled before charging at them we drew them to Beruna river and surrounded them on the other side of the bridge i saw Lucy she smiled and pulled out a dagger. the Lord looked at us then back to Lucy just as my father and Christopher who was out of his old clothes in something Regal i looked down at what i was wearing my chain mail and dress was changing into a golden gown. in my heart and mind i realised what was happening i handed my sward to Peter and winked at him.

"CHARGE" the Lord yelled and they did going across the bridge i felt what i had before rising us until i let out a huge Roar like my father and son. The Telmarines stopped and yell asking what was happening further down the river the water rushed back and collected itself before turning into a River God.  he looked to my Father before lifting up the bridge seeing many Telmarine except for the lord into the water. River god they looked like he ate the lord and water crashed back down sending debris flowing down the river.

many solider then saw fit to give up to the other Narnian's, while me, Peter, Ed, Susan and Caspian crossed the water when we came out my dress was not wet like it had never been touched.

"Father" yelled running to hug him he chuckled hugging back i stood between my father and Christopher. as they came closer the four of the kneeled.

"rise Kings and Queens of Narnia" all except Caspian stood up.

"all of you" i said he looked up to us.

"i don't think I'm ready" he replied.

"it is for that reason we know you are" Christopher smiled. he stood up, flutes and sad music began to Reep Mice carried in on a stretcher. Lucy rushed to his side giving him a drop from her cordial. he moved his head side to side.

"thank you your majesty. thank you." he was helped up by his fellow friends that was when he noticed my father.

"hail, Aslan it is a great honour to be in.." he trailed off as he tripped i saw that he lost his tail he then covered it up in embarrassment.

"an completely out of countenance" he stepped back.

"i must crave your indulgence for papering in this unseemly fashion...perhaps a drop more?" he asked Lu

"i don't think it works that way sorry" she replied

"you could try" he hoped

"it becomes you well small one" father spoke to Reep.

"all the same great King and your majesties, i regret that i must withdraw for the tail is the honour and glory for a mouse" he revoked his sward placing it down

"perhaps you think too much of your honour friend" i smiled down at the little mouse.

"well it's not just honour but for balance and climbing and grabbing things.

"may it please you your majesties we shall not our wear our honour denied to  our chief" the mice held up their tails ready to remove them.

"not for the sake of your dignity but for your people" father replied, Reeps tail grew back shocking the others to say he was more than happy was a understatement.

"now where is this dear little friend you have told me so much about?" we all looked to Trumpkin he looked back a couple of times before coming forward and kneeling we grinned as father roared making himself known.

"do you see him now?" Lucy teased.

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