Chapter 4 - River Rush Seeing Aslan

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we soon arrived to shore and i helped bring the boat in.

"hello there" i turned round Lucy was talking to a bear she said something else but i didn't watch it.

"don't move your majesty" Trumpkin warned she turned round i pulled out my sward, Lucy ran back but tripped and screamed.

"shoot Susan." Peter urged i got out my bow and arrow shooting it down as did Trumpkin.

"why didn't he stop" Susan asked

"i suspect he was hungry" Trumpkin replied walking past her i helped Lucy up and she hugged me

"thanks." she said to us.

"he was wild i don't think he could talk at all" Peter stated.

"get treated like a dumb animal long enough you become one."  he took out his dagger.

"you may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember." he started to skin it. i looked away and hind in Peter after he was finished we left heading into the wood. i grabbed Peters hand.

"let's dance through the wood like we used to" i giggled trying to lighten the mood

"with my pleasure my Queen" we danced like we used to steeping in clear area.

"how do they do that?" I heard Trumpkin

"they've had lots of practice when they were courting they would do it all the time for a while the come home covered in dirt not like they cared." Lucy replied  i giggled as Peter turned me.

"they look so in love" i smiled i could hear them.

"they are he was smitten the day they first met and it only grew stronger. after we were crowned he finally asked to court her." Susan added

"oh Trumpkin have you ever seen a King stutter" i laughed joining their conversation.

"i was nervous what do you expect." Peter defended himself.

"although i admit in five year he had gotten better not once did he stutter out the proposal." we continued on.

"i don't remember it being this way" Susan said as we were heading to shuddering woods

"that's the problem with girls can't carry a map in your heads." i slapped his head.

"don't be rude"

we stood in a circle of stone.

"I'm not lost." Peter muttered.

"no you're just going the wrong way."

"you said you last saw Caspian in the shuddering woods the quickest way there is to cross the River Rush"

"unless I'm mistaken then there is no way crossing these parts" Trumpkin replied 

"that's it then your mistaken" he turned and left.

"ignore him he can have a big head sometimes if he is wrong we can say i told you so and get on with the journey" i said to our Dear little friend before following my husband. we arrived to river rush

"you see over time water erodes" Susan trailed off

"oh shut up. i sat we wasn't lost." he stated

"is there any way to get down?" Ed asked

"yeah falling" was the response

"there is a lake near Beruna how do you feel like swimming." they go t leave but i spot my father.

"Aslan look its Aslan he's right...there" he was gone when i looked back

"he was there you guys" i told them

"do you see him now" Trumpkin asked

"we're not crazy i know my own father when i see him" i scolded

"well the last time i didn't believe Lucy i looked pretty stupid

"why didn't i see him?" Peter asked

"maybe you weren't looking" she replied he looked back.

"I'm sorry you two" he left i looked back to the spot.

"come on Lucy"

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