Chapter 2

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-Don't stop believing-

"Camz" Lauren asked slowly.

"Yes Lolo" Camila said looking at her bestfriend since birth in her eyes.

"I'm a sophomore now" Lauren said softly.

"Yes I know Lolo" Camila said laughing at the obvious information.

"And I haven't had my first kiss yet" Lauren said suggestively.

Then the memory hit Camila. The one where they promised if by the time the both had become high schoolers they would be each others first kiss is they hadn't had it.

"And you want to kiss me" Camila asked slowly.

"More than anything" Lauren said biting her lip. Camila's fingers had reached close to Lauren's lip and she tugged on Lauren's chin bringing her bottom lip out of the grip her teeth held on it.

"Okay" Camila said simply.

"Okay" Lauren repeated.

Camila slowly leaned in capturing her lips with Lauren's. The two pairs of lips moved in sync but they couldn't decipher what the tingles meant. They just knew it felt good. They pulled away but it wasn't enough so they reattached their lips. Camila slowly melted into Lauren's body while Lauren tightened her grip around the girls waist. They pulled away yet again finalizing the kiss with 3 more pecks. Lauren looked into Camila's brown eyes while Camila looked into Lauren's green eyes.

"Wow" they both said at the same time. That was the only word they had to describe what they felt.

"Dinah are you sure they won't mind I'm there" Camila said softly. She was scared. Scared that the group of friends didn't actually like her. Scared that Lauren wouldn't want to see her again in fact she was just scared of Lauren in general.

"Chancho stop worrying. I already told ALL of the girls you were coming. They were okay with it even Lauren seemed to like the fact you were coming." Dinah said reassuring the smaller girl.

"Well okay" Camila said nervously fiddling with her fingers.

"Who's that" Camila asked. They had finally arrived at Central Park where they were meeting the group of girls.

"That's Alana. Lauren's daughter" Dinah said.

Camila freaked out silently. She didn't know Lauren had a daughter let alone meeting said daughter. What if she didn't like her. That thought made Camila freak out more than the thought of seeing Lauren again.

"Hey camz you okay" Lauren asked.

"Huh" Camila replied lost in her thoughts. She didn't even know that her and Dinah had reached the 4 girls until Lauren said something.

"Are you okay" Lauren repeated trying not the laugh at the girl.

"Oh..urm..yes?" Camila said. It came out more like a question rather than a statement but Lauren laughed it off.

"This is my daughter. Alana" Lauren said introducing her daughter to the slightly confused girl.

Camila bent over to the child's length looking over her features. She had green eyes and brown hair like Lauren but the child's hair was thin. All in all Lauren had a beautiful daughter.

"Hey Alana my name is Camila" she said looking into the child's green orbs. She didn't know what the girl was into but if she was anything like Lauren it wasn't princesses. Alana was wearing a black band tee a black beanie dark blue Jean pants and black combat books. Definitely like Lauren Camila thought. "Black looks really good on you" Camila said complimented the small child.

Alana's eyes widened with excitement. "My momma tells my that" the child said loudly.

Camila laughed at the child excitement before standing back up.

"Alana look there's mason go play" Lauren said pointing out the girls bestfriend.

"But I want to play with Camila" Alana said with a pout. Ally's Dinah's Normani's and Lauren's eyes widen in surprise. Alana was never so quick to open up to a stranger but here she was wanting to play with someone she just met over her bestfriend.

Camila just took the small child's hand and gleefully made her way to the playground.

"Camila is so good with kids" Ally cooed as she watched Camila chase Alana around the playground.

"Stop mila. I'll give you want ever you want. Pizza. Cookies. DIAMONDS" the child said laughing.

"BA-NA-NA" Camila said copying Steven from the movie minions throwing her hand in the air.

"BA-NA-NA" Alana said jumping in the air the give Camila's hand a high five.

"She's such a child laur. Was she like that when you guys dated" Dinah asked laughing at her bestfriend.

"Actually yes. If not worse" Lauren said laughing with Dinah.

"Who's that" Normani said as she watched the man walk a little too close to Camila and Alana.

Camila wrapped her arms protectively around Alana picking her up as she glared at the man. Lauren got up about to walk over there but Dinah stopped her. "I want to see what she does. That austin, Camila's recent ex" Dinah said. "Camila always takes his dumbass back she said she was done this time. I just want to see what she does."

"What about Alana" Lauren said as she caught her daughter bawling her fist in anger as she glared at Austin.

"He won't do anything he's a douche but he won't do anything." Dinah reassured.

Dinah could see how Camila was trying not to give into Austin but when austin grabbed Camila's arm Lauren decided he was just a little to close.

She made her way to her daughter and the smaller cuban.

"Camila I said I'm sorry. She didn't mean anything" Austin said rubbing Camila's arm.

"Hey babe. You okay" Lauren said removing Austin's hand from Camila's arm and putting her protectively by her side. "You're a little to close to what's mine dorito boy" Lauren said angrily.

If camila were to describe the feeling she got when Lauren called her "babe" "mine" and kissed her cheek. She probably die from lack of air trying say everything at once.

"Who is this Camila" he said through gritted teeth.

Camila was at a loss of words. "My urm..she my.."

"Girlfriend" Lauren said finishing the sentence for the smaller girl. She gently pecked Camila lips. The feeling was the same as when she kissed her the first time almost 9 years ago. It was..indescribable. simply unrealistic. The simple peck wasn't enough they connected there lips again moving in perfect sync. The world was only them and once again they felt whole. Nothing was missing. It was just the 2 of them and it was enough. They pulled away becoming aware of the eyes on them and the world around them.

Lauren looked into Camila's brown eyes while Camila looked into Lauren's green eyes.

"Wow" they both said at the same time.

A\N the picture at the beginning is Alana. How are you liking the story so far?

Twitter: BowsNBeanies1

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