chapter 10

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"Do you think I'm a bad mom" I asked Lauren who was tickling a laughing Ava.

She looked at me confused "You're an amazing mom baby. I mean yeah there are some things you can improve on but you're trying your hardest" she said as she put Ava into her crib.

"Sometimes I don't Lauren. It's so hard to look at her or even be around her and I feel so bad that I feel this way about a child Lauren. My child at that"

"Camila I know. It was so hard for me to look at Alana after zayn died. She just reminded me so much of him but this baby. OUR baby is nothing austin. If anything she a bubble of us. She's ours. She will grow up with our views of life. With our morals because she's us. Me and you. The perfect two" she said kissing my lips softly.

"I love you so much Lauren"

"I love you to baby"

"Cmon ava walk to mami" Lauren coaxed holding our 9 month old up by her waist.

She stomped her feet and giggled causing Lauren to tighten her grasp around the small child just a little.

"Mami mami" she said bouncing up and down on the carpeted floor.

"Yes baby come to mami" I said softly. She took a small step as Lauren let her go but then she stuck her bum into the air putting her hand on the floor in front of her bending her legs to the ground and crawled over to me.

She sat in my lap and smiled cheekily.

"Hi mami's baby" I cooed giving her an Eskimo kiss.

She giggled "Hi mami" she said giving me a peck on the lips "Lana bye bye" she said she saw Lauren walking over to the small girl who was on her last day of first grade. I swear they grow up so fast it feels like just yesterday I was meeting her at the park.

"Si mija lana go bye bye" I said softly.

"I go" she said quickly. "I go I go" she said crawling her way to Lauren who was in the kitchen brushing Alana's hair.

"Eventful morning" Alana asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Sometimes I forget you're 7" I said giving her a peck on the lips.

"When do you think she'll walk" Alana asked as Lauren combed her hair down.

"I don't know baby. I love when you where your hair down" I said as Lauren put a black bow in her head.

"Do I look like you mami" she asked touching the bow in her head.

"You look just like me mija" I said.

"Camila honestly can you get dressed so we can go" Lauren asked.

"You're so rude lern" I said heading upstairs put on a red dress and brushed my hair down and made my way downstairs.

"You look beautiful baby" Lauren said giving me a quick peck causing Alana to groan and mumble gross under her breath.

"Si I know" I said flipping my hair in her face. Alana picked up Ava and put her in her car seat in the middle buckling her up while she sait in her Booster seat that was behind me on the passenger side.

Lana and Ava looked to the left while me and Lolo regz looked to the right.

"All clear captains" Lauren and I said waiting for the girls to give is the all car.

"All clear" they said. Well Alana said it came out more like 'sal tear' for Ava but hey she tried. I couldn't help but think of when we all dropped Alana off at school as a family.

"I don't like this baby. Get me a new one" Alana whined as we pulled out of the driveway after we did the morning ritual.

"Why not" Lauren asked looking at Alana though the mirror.

"Because she doesn't turn her head to do the thing. It's not fun when everyone is not doing it" she whined.

"Baby Ava is to young to know what we are doing once she get a little older I promise you can teach her how to do it" Lauren said trying to to laugh at our daughter.

Alana looked at Ava doubtfully but nodded her head anyways "Okay but if she doesn't can we push her back in mami's stomach."

"Um no ma'am I'm am not pushing another child out of me anytime soon" I told Alana who just laughed me off.

"Bye bye" ava said to Alana who told us she wanted to walk into school by herself today.

"Bye bye ava. Bye mami bye momma" she said closing the door and rushed into the building.

"Oh my gosh they grow up so fast" I said wiping the tear off my face.

"You're over exaggerating" Lauren said laughing as she drove to the familiar coffee shop.

"Hi tetes" ava said as she greeted the 3 girls whom shes become so accustom to.

We were all surounded by kids Dinah's and Normani had their 7 month old daughter, Zaria hope Hansen, in a stroller. While ally who had gotten pregnant on her honeymoon had her 5 month old daughter, Scarlet hope Olgetree, in a car seat. We had all decided to give our kids the same middle name (even though it was originally Dinah's idea because she wanted to steal Ava's and I threw a fit).

"God were old." Normani said as she took a long sip of her coffee.

"Excuse you" Lauren said pouting "I'm only 24" she said folding her arms together.

"You're 24 with 2 kids." She pointed out. "I mean damn when the hell are you guys gonna get married" she asked making me and lauren blush.

"Marryyyy" Ana sang giggling as she took a sip of her apple juice that I so graciously put in her sippy cup after troy brought it over.

"How does she know so many words" Dinah asked. They've been trying to get little Zary to speak but she hasn't even babbled she's such a quiet child.

"We've made her watch 'your baby can read' since she was 2 months. She usually repeats what she hears from that." Lauren explained while Ava dropped her sippy on the floor "fuck" she said crying softly.

"Or what she hears from Lauren. I said before picking her cup up and cleaning the tip with a wet wipe. I popped her on her hand. "No no. That's a bad word" I said then I hit Lauren on her shoulder.

"I no say it" Ana asked trying to reach fir her sippy.

"Si mija no say it"

"Si" she said and I gave her her sippy.

"God were so fucking old" Normani moaned out dropping her head on the table.

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