chapter 4

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"Oh my gosh stop" I said laughing as his fingers wiggled on my side tickling me. Alana laughed looking at us she doubled over falling face first on the bed.

Zayn quickly turned his attention to Alana picking up the small child who was still laughing.

"I bet she's just laughing at the fact you laughed" he said cradling Alana in his arms.

"Shut up about our child malik" I said kissing him on the lips before pecking Alana on the lips.

"Mommy is so mean. Right Lana. Isn't mommy mean" he said in the cutest baby voice moving Alana's balled fist side to side.

Alana laughed and put her fist in her mouth sucking it.

"Baby can you hand me her binky" Zayn said bouncing Alana in his arms.

I grabbed Alana's Disney pacifier off the bed and put it in her mouth.

"Hey lo" zayn said looking into Alana's green eyes as if he was memorizing what they looked like.

"Yeah baby"

"If something ever happens to me promise you'll tell her about me when she's old enough to understand" zayn said caressing Alana's fat cheeks.

"I promise but nothings gonna happen to you baby..we're endgame" I told him before pulling him into a lingering kiss.

"Hey Alana come here for a second please" Lauren said taking her child's attention of Camila and Normani.

Alana skipped over to her mom and sat in her lap. "Yes mommy"

"I want to talk to you about something" Lauren said. Her raspy voice was shaking but she had to do this. She showed Alana a picture of a man and a light brown haired baby.

"That's you" Lauren said pointing to the baby in the picture

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"That's you" Lauren said pointing to the baby in the picture. She then pointed to the man holding the baby "and that's your daddy"

"I have a daddy?" Alana asked excitedly she bounced up so high she almost hit Lauren in the chin with her head.

"Yes baby" Lauren said laughing.

By this time Camila and Normani had joined the conversation. Camila had grabbed Lauren's right hand while Normani hand rubbed her back.

"Where is he" Alana said rubbing her fingers on the man in the picture.

"That's what mommy needs to talk to you about" Lauren started her breathing caught in her throat. Camila's hand squeeze hers giving Lauren the strength to continue. "You know how mommy told you that some people go to the sky to be with God" Lauren asked.

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