<< Chapter Two >>

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Katniss pov :

When I get home I go right to my room change into my pj's and jump on my bed and text Peeta I wait and wait for a reply.

But he never replies weird, so I fall asleep waiting for a reply because let's just said I might like Peeta as more than friends!

Peeta pov :

When I get home my mom tells me to go to the basement to get more flour for the bakery, when I come up old and creaky stairs I see the door is closed. I try to open it but the door is locked! I yell and scream all that I can, but then I realize my mom did this.

So then I text Katniss she is my only friend, I just got out of college and now I'm stuck here because I do not have enough money for my own house yet. She never replies because its 3 in the morning and she texted me already like 10 times, now I'm stuck down here for who knows how long. I give her directions and tell her how to get to the back door, then I tell her that the key is on top of the door. I hope she gets the message. Oh, how will she react because I might have a crush on Katniss?

Katniss pov :

I wake up and see my phone flashing, I look and see that I have four text messages from Peeta. What I read shocks me. He needs help I run and brush my teeth grab my phone my purse, and I pair of shoes and run and go in my car and follow the directions till I find the address that Peeta gave me I go to the back door and get the key, I go inside and see Peeta.

His eyes light up when he sees me. He gives me a big hug and says thanks. Then I feel my phone vibrate In my pocket I look and see my mom texted me, I tell Peeta I have to go nods but then I give him another hug and leave.

When I get home my mom tells me to get ready because the Hawthorns are coming over. I'm so unhappy right now I hate Gale he is weird and means. The only thing that I did not know is what is going to happen next!

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