<< Chapter Six >>

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Peeta pov :

I'm just lying on the floor hoping that the ambulance will come soon. That is when I see I'm surrounded by a pool of my own blood.

Then I get dizzy then I pass out. But right before I hear sirens thank goodness!!!

Katniss pov :

I'm sitting next to Gale and I can feel him eyeing me, I feel so uncomfortable.

Then I think of Peeta oh how I want to be with him. Then Gale made the move of his life he asks me to be his girlfriend again... and I say no and run to my room and cry because mom is going to try to make me marry him and I don't want to.

Life is so unfair!! I wish I could see Peeta I wonder if he is ok but if I go to the hospital his parents could be there and that is a risk that I have to take. I'm coming to Peeta. Oh, how I hope he is ok!!!

Peeta pov :

When I wake up I look around and see that I'm in a hospital room. Then I see her Katniss sleeping in the chair next to me, so I shake her awake and see when she got here and if she needs a pillow

Katniss pov :

I'm sleeping and I feel someone shaking me, I open my eyes and see Peeta staring at me.

I ask him why he woke me up and he says that he wants me to be comfier so he invites me to the bed and I say yes and then he scotches over. I go to bed and lay on his chest and listen to his steady heartbeat.

I'm just glad that his mom did not hurt him that bad. Before I fall asleep I tell him how long I was here, then he says a sleepy ok back in the arms of the person I love!!!

Mr. Mallark pov :
(you were not expecting this were you 👍👍👍👍👍👍)

I'm going to visit my son all my other sons are far away in college good thing he is out of college.

I just got back from vacation with my sister, she is 3 years older then me and we don't get to see each other often. I walk into his room and see him asleep long with the Everdeen girl, Katniss I never knew he had a thing for her I'm happy for him.

Yet again his mother and Katniss mother are enemies. But if they move away together they could live happy that is just like I'm going to do buy them a house in Florida. Far away from Ohio, we are living right now!

Peeta pov :

I'm sleeping with my love in my arms, then I feel someone shake me awake. I open my eyes and see my dad!!! Oh, what is going to happen now!!!

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