<< Chapter Four >>

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Katniss pov :

We kiss and I feel sparks fly we pull away and I feel I want more, then he says something I never thought be would say ever
"Would you like to come on a date with me here tomorrow?" He asks, smiling.

"Yes," I said, as we hug, he asks If he can kiss me a say yes, he pecks my lips. We say our goodbyes and I go home. Feeling amazingly happy waiting for tomorrow!!!

Peeta pov :

I try to get in the house without making any noise but as I'm walking the floor creaks.

Then my mom walks in with the rolling pin and before I can react I feel a pain under my chin. Then in my head and in my knee I fall to the ground and black out.

Such a happy moment can turn bad in one in a blink of an eye, I hope that I don't die I finally have Katniss in my life. My first true love!




Still Peeta pov :

I wake up on the ground in the kitchen, I can't walk. I'm in so much pain, it looks like my mother left.

So I find my phone in my pocket, slip it out as best as I can and call Katniss. Oh, how will she react?????


Cliffhanger hopes to see you read next time!!! I will update when I can!!! Please vote and comment! What will happen next!!!????

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