<< Chapter Five >>

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Katniss pov :

I'm sitting on the couch watching a movie, the movie is an Identity Thief. It is so funny, I'm laughing so hard.

When I get a phone call, so I answer and its Peeta. But what he says shocks me he says call ambulance because my mom beat me to hard this time and tell them at Mellark Bakery and that I'm in the kitchen. Oh my gosh if I see his mom I'm going to kill her👍, she has done many bad things to Peeta this needs to stop!!!!!

He is covered with bruises and scars, poor Peeta. Then my mom comes in she says that the Hawthorns are coming over, for the second time this week. 😭😭😭😭The love of my life is going to a hospital and I can't see him I don't even know all of what happened or if he is going to be ok, and now I'm stuck with someone that I hate that I am forced to love this is not cool.

When I'm putting on my final touches of makeup I hear the doorbell so I go quicker. When I'm done I go down the stairs and see Gale I go slower in till my mom gives me the face that says if you don't go faster then you will get punished face. Wow, this will be a good night.


OK so sorry for all the cliffhangers I'm trying to keep readers and I think it makes the story less boring, Thanks for reading I WILL UPDATE SOON ☁ 👋🚀 ☁☁
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