chapter 9

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Back with the Pig family, Patch had gotten rid of the hitchhiker before he could brutally slaughter any of them and to Plucky's luck and happiness, they had finally made it to the theme park they had been traveling for who knows how long for.

"We're finally here!" Plucky smiled. He then went on a crazy rant and kissed everybody in the car.

"Well, we made it." Sabrina told the others.

"Finally." Patch sighed.

"Have you ever seen such a beautiful parking lot?" Mrs. Pig smiled.

"I'm gonna go on every ride 'til I barf twice!" Plucky rushed out.

"Now hold your horses, Plucky," Mr. Pig pulled him back. "We've got to capture this Kodak moment. Excuse me, young man," he then came over to a man who was directing traffic. "Could you take our picture?"

Before they could go in of course, they had to take a picture.

"Please." Penelope said.

The man stumbled and struggled at first, but once the group put on their 'happy caps', the man took their picture and they were now all set to go and visit Happy World Land.

"Thanks." Mr. Pig smiled and took the camera.

The man mumbled out to them and the group were then happily on their way to the theme park at last.

"Finally." Patch smiled.

They all then climbed up the colorful steps and came onto the monorail known as the Tooth Ferry so they could get a view of the theme park and all the wonderful sights and rides.

"Cool." Sabrina smiled.

After the song ended, Plucky and Hamton pointed out numerous rides. There was the Happy Go Pukey, Happy Feet, The Gargle, Happy Crasher, The Happy Centrifuge, Slap Happy, the Stairway to Heaven, and the Bullet Train to Heck.

"Let's stay all week, no two weeks, hey, let's stay the whole month!" Plucky was super excited.

"Well, that was fun." Mr. Pig chuckled as they came out.

"I'll say, now let's go home." Mrs. Pig agreed.

"Okay, Mom!" Hamton smiled.

"Wait, what? That was only the monorail; the real rides are out there." Patch said.

"Dont' wanna do it on the first visit, Patch," Mr. Pig smiled. "Think of what we'll have to look forward to the next time we come!"

"But.... We... We didn't do... We just..." Sabrina sounded like she was going to have a nervous breakdown.

"Okay, that's it!" Penelope yelled before teleporting herself, Patch, Sabrina, and Plucky back to Acme Acres.

"Oh, my, I think Plucky and the others had enough excitement for one trip." Mrs. Pig smiled.

"I'll be sure to call him when we come back." Hamton smiled back.

The family then drove off to get back to Acme Acres themselves by car.

Back on the steamboat...

There was a crowd sitting around as they were waiting for the show to start. And where soon the show was going to start.

"The Turnabout's Dinner Theater Float is delighted to present two deliciously talented young rabbits and three delectable humans!" the toad captain greeted the audience. "Cherry Butler, Atticus Fudo, Mo Brown, and Buster and Babs Bunny!"

"Who have no relation!" Atticus added.

The curtains then drew back to show the five participants.

"We're here!" Babs announced.

"Hiya, fun seekers!" Buster smiled. "Ya know, Babsy and I would like to tell ya how we spent our summer vacation with our new friends riding down the river!"

Babs then did a spin and became a rock and roll chick and sang all about their adventure.

"Is she serious?" Mo asked.

"These are the jokes, folks, feel free to laugh any time," Babs said, breaking character briefly. "Or not."

The audience laughed at that however.

"BABS!" Buster glared.

"At least they're laughing." Mo said.

Babs and Buster had a little bickering about entertaining the audience until Babs then transformed into what looked like Jessica Rabbit.

"That's it, I have had it!" Buster glared. "I am trying to talk to the people here and all you do is keep interrupting with your dumb songs and comments, and shtick and I don't know what else! I don't know why I put up with this, all I am trying to do is tell one simple story! Is that so much to ask?"

Babs then turned back to her normal self. "Are you done?"

"I guess." Buster said which led to another argument.

"You can start telling the story, Babs." Mo smiled.

"Oh, ya think so?" Babs smiled.

"Yeah." Mo nodded.

"Get the water gun ready." Atticus whispered to Buster.

Buster nodded as he was planning on that anyway due to how he was around Babs.

"And so it continues." Cherry sighed.

Drell and Hilda were outside the steamboat and were in their own submarine. Drell was dressed like a ship captain and looking through a periscope. Hilda couldn't help but crush on and ogle over Drell in his 'hotness' since he was a man in uniform.

"I see them!" Drell told her.

Hilda then returned focus in her rather revealing sailor dress and saluted. "Where are they, sir, yes, sir?"

"On a steamboat with a giant, carnivorous toad." Drell replied.

"Quick, teleport them inside!" Hilda said.

"We need to get closer to them, we'll infiltrate the steamboat." Drell replied.

"Oh, my big, strong sailor~..." Hilda purred.

They soon submerged from the water.

Babs told her story until Buster drenched her with even more water.

The audience let out hooting laughter from that. Babs then spun around to dry herself off.

"Sounds like a great audience." Mo smiled.

"Yeah, a lot better than some of the creeps we met on this trip." Atticus agreed.

"Hey, you said it, let's turn on the house lights and get to know each other better." Buster suggested.

"Yeah, let's see that lovely audience." Mo smiled.

When the lights came on, there were three familiar figures they first spotted.

"Lookie, girls, it's our beaus with no pants and big muscles!" Big Boo called out with a smile.

"Yoo-hoo~" Little Boo waved a hanky to Buster and Atticus.

There were also possums and many patrons in the audience looked hungry enough to eat all five of them on stage. After having quick quips, Buster and Babs ran out with Cherry, Atticus, and Mo as everyone dove in to try to eat them, whe nthey ran down one corner, there were more predators coming for them.

"Guys, down here!" Drell called as he rowed a boat with Hilda next to the steamboat.

"Escape going down." Buster said.

They got in the boat and were floating away from the steamboat.

"The water won't hold 'em off for long!" Cherry called.

"Where's Superman when you need him?!" Babs yelped as the predators came closer and closer.

Byron saw them in danger and jumped down from the steamboat and lifted the other boat up and carried them all into the air.

"Hey, Byron can fly." Buster said.

"Who knew?" Babs asked.

Cherry's Adventures of Tiny ToonsWhere stories live. Discover now