chapter 11

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"Oh, Atticus, I hope you had a big breakfast 'cuz you're gonna need all your energy." Drell said to Atticus.

Atticus soon started to use his crystal powers and where after thinking of happy and calming thoughts the crystals each started to disappear. As soon as the crystals were gone, everything was at peace again.

"You don't send away Atticus like that unless it's important!" Hilda punched Drell's arms, even though it couldn't hurt him very much. "You big meany!"

"Okay, okay, I promise not to do that ever again." Drell promised.

"You better not!" Hilda kept punching him.

"Stop punching me!" Drell grabbed her wrists to make her hands stop landing on him.

"Anyway, we better get home." Mo said.

"Come on, Mo, I'll walk you home." Atticus offered.

"Me too." Patch agreed.

"Oh, such gentlemen." Mo smiled to them.

"I better get home." Penelope said.

"You do that," Drell nodded to her. "Just get--HILDA, GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!"

Hilda kept punching Drell while Cherry looked mildly amused by that.

"Aunt Hilda, where are my parents waiting for me?" Sabrina asked.

"At the house, dear." Hilda smiled.

"Thanks!" Sabrina smiled and rushed off to her aunts' house since she had lived there for most of her life.

Hilda smiled, then punched Drell again. Cherry laughed out loud at Hilda punching Drell.

"At least Atticus isn't the one punching me." Drell said.

Hilda kept punching.

"Hilda, stop punching me or you're not getting 'dessert' after our date tonight!" Drell threatened.

"Oh, fine." Hilda pouted.

"Thank you..." Drell then let go of her wrists.

"I wanted to go to the moon with you too since Sabrina would be gone all summer, but if you were gonna send her away, I don't think I can do that..." Hilda walked off.

"WAIT!" Drell went after her.

Cherry simply smirked as she went off to her house.

Cherry turned the air conditioner on as cold as it could get, she closed the curtains and drapes to make it darker in the house, and she curled up into a blanket and turned on the TV. "Ah, summer at last..."

Everyone was going to have a relaxing vacation from there on. Atticus and Mo sat on the porch together since it was a nice summer's day, it wasn't too hot and it had a nice cool breeze. And where Patch was with Colette as they sat with Atticus and Mo. Patch was telling Colette about his parts of the adventures while Atticus told his parts. And where it seemed only seemed funny.

Colette then nuzzled up against Patch. "At least you're all safe."

Patch smiled back and nuzzled her back.

At the Spellman house, Sabrina was indeed going to spend the summer with her parents.

"Of course, we'll have to stop around the last couple weeks of August." Edward said.

"But other than that, it'll be just the three of us." Diana smiled.

"Yay!" Sabrina smiled.

And as for Penelope well she decided to try to bond with her father during the summer. Sabrina's parents then went off with her and Hilda, Zelda, and Salem gave them best wishes. Drell was in his office, filling out paperwork for Enchantra, then handed her some papers.

"Very well, Drell, you're dismissed." Enchantra said.

"YES!" Drell cheered and rushe home to spend some time with Penelope.

Penelope sat on her bed, alone in her room and sadly sighed. She then soon heard her bedroom door open up. Her eyes looked up in high hopes.

"Hello, sweetie, what're you doin' this summer?" Drell smiled and sat beside her on her bed.

"I was hoping to spend time with you, Daddy." Penelope smiled.

"Well, guess what?" Drell leaned over.

"What?" Penelope asked.

"I'm off for the summer, so we can do anything you want!" Drell then happily announced.

"Yay!" Penelope smiled.

Drell laughed and cheered with her, then started to tickle her.

"Aw, no fair!" Penelope wiggled and laughed.

This was surely now the start of their relaxing vacation. Skippy smiled at their bonding and then punched out for the summer and was now going all the way to Manhattan to make a visit.

The End

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