Chapter 1

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I look out the window of the plane. Thinking about how i'm going to be all over the news, being judge more than ever. My parents are ashamed, they sent me here, I cried when they called me. I could hear the shame in there voices.

"Ladies and Gentleman we will be landing shortly. Please make sure you are still buckled. It's gonna be bumpy. Hope you enjoyed your flight." The man said over the intercom.

I look over at Max, he's been my bodyguard ever since I started and he's just like a father to me, he was asleep. I nudge him to wake up. "We are landing." I said and he stretch and moan. I just look out the window. I look back to yesterday.

I was on tour with the Jonas Brothers when mom and dad call me to tell me "We got a flight for you to go to Chicago. Demi, you're going threw a lot and this is the only way we can help you. I know what we say or try to do won't work, but maybe this will. We want you to go to Timberline Knolls."

"No, i'm not going. Fuck y'all! I hate y'all!" I said into the phone.

I heard Dad sigh, "I know, you hate the world right now, but this will get better. You punch Briley, your getting out of hand and you know it. You have been cutting yourself and i'm sorry that we didn't notice or say something to make you stop. We even thought you was over coming your disorder, but apparently not." I heard mom in the background sniffling. I just wanna hang up, but this needed to be talk about.

"Babe," Mom says, "I'm sorry for everything. I tried to make you happy, but I didn't succeed. I love you. I'll see you later." Mom said and I heard her hand the phone to dad because she was bawling. I cried, but I tried to handle the cries.

"We think this is the best, Demi. I think you wanna get better and we want you to. So please go, not for us, but for you." Dad pleaded.

I wiped my nose and the tears that ran down my face. I cleared my throat, "I'll go, I want to get better." I said, not just to please them, but I actually meant it.

"We love you, baby girl. See you soon." Dad said.

"I love you to," I said and then hung up. I called my manger right then and there. I told them i'm canceling the tour with the Jonas Brothers and my show. He agreed with me and my parents. He said that me getting better is more important. I'm glad he agreed, I said goodbye to Joe, Nick, and Kevin then headed to the airport with Max.

I saw everyone move and it knock me out of my playback. I grab my bag and Max followed me. I text mom saying I just got off the plane. I walk threw the airport and got my luggage. Mom texted me back saying where she was standing. I walked over to McDonalds, that was near the exit. When I saw mom look at me I just broke down crying and ran to her with our arms wide open. I wrapped my arms around her neck and cried into it. She wrapped her arms around my body and cried into my shoulder.

I took us forever to calm down. I don't think we was just crying because of me. I think we just letting every feeling out right at the moment. Everyone is been threw so much, and I actually caused most of it. Mom and I pulled away from each other. "Let's get going." Mom said as she guided me out the door with her hand on my back.

I walked out the doors and got into a taxi cab. "Where's Maddie and Dallas?" I ask as mom handed me a suit case and I helped the taxi driver put it in the trunk.

"Dallas is sick, and Maddie is in school, but they are gonna come visit and we will to." Mom said as I closed the trunk.

I got in the taxi and mom and dad scooted in beside me. Max got in the passenger seat. "So what brings you to Chicago?" The Indian driver ask with an accent.

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