Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning to the sun beaming directly at my face; I got up, pulled the blind down and then crawled back into bed. Goodness only knows what time it is, they took my phone off me. REMEMBER!

I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep, but, for some reason, I don’t know why, I just couldn’t fall asleep! I had this funny feeling in my stomach and my chest. Like my heart was racing, so much that I could actually feel each individual heart beat; and my stomach was turning so fast it was making me feel dizzy.

I opened my eyes again and looked over to Callie’s bed, she was sleeping; I watched her chest rise and fall, she looked so peaceful, so innocent. I wonder what she is actually like; the lady that showed me in gave me the impression that she is, kinda quiet but crazy. I’m not going to let that influence my opinion about her though, I mean that lady might be right, but, everyone deserves a chance.

I closed my eyes once more, but all I could think about was my friends and family back home; Mom, Dad, Dallas, Maddie and… Joe. I miss them so much already and it had only been one night. I really wish they hadn’t sent me here, I don’t want to be here and although I miss them, I hate them for sending me to rehab. I mean, what use is this going to do?

There was a knock on the door, a lady opened it and turned on the light “Time to wake up girls!” she almost shouted.

I heard Callie groan from her bed and she turned over but then, once again became motionless; the lady walked over to Callie and said “Callie, it’s time to get up; breakfast is in 20 minutes”

Callie turned over again and then sat up in bed; this whole time I had been watching the commotion laying down in my bed with my eyes open; I guess that must have been enough for the lady to see that I was awake.

Callie rubbed her eyes and then looked at me, gave me a puzzled look and then got up, grabbed some clothes and without saying a thing walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. I didn’t mind her going first, hopefully she would take long enough so that when I went in I would be getting ready during breakfast and then I would miss it.

I sat up in bed and looked around the room; there were 2 wardrobes, one for me and one for Callie, each with rounded edges at the top corners. The room was sort of split between us, not physically but all her things were over on one side of the room and mine on the other.

Our beds were opposite each other and I was sitting facing towards Callie’s bed when she walked out of the bathroom, she took one look at me, not a mean stare, more of an innocent stare and she then turned around and picked up a piece of paper and started to read what it said.

I got up from my bed and opened my suitcase, I hadn’t unpacked last night as I don’t plan on staying here long; I took out a pair of skinny jeans, a band t-shirt and a baggy jumper. I then went into the bathroom with my make-up and clothes and I got changed. I took my time, hoping that if I took long enough I might miss breakfast. I took a shower and then started to get dressed when there was a knock on the bathroom door. “Demi, it’s time for breakfast” I heard a lady say from the other side of the door.

“Just coming” I shouted back just as loud

“Okay” the lady replied

I was nowhere near ready, I was half dressed and hadn’t got any make-up on; I looked at myself in the mirror, I wasn’t going out like this, I wasn’t going to let people see me without make-up on. I finished getting dressed and started applying my make-up when there was another knock at the door. This time a different lady spoke, she said “Demi, you need to come for breakfast now”

“I’m not hungry” I replied “Plus, I’m not ready” I added

“You need to come for breakfast, it doesn’t matter if you don’t feel hungry you need to eat something” she replied “And, I’ll come and call you again in about 5 minutes. Make sure you are ready”

This lady seemed nicer than the first, the first one (who was the same one who had woke us up) just seemed plain strict and mean. This lady seemed firm but kind; she seemed like someone who was stubborn but nice about it.

I continued to apply my make-up and was actually ready before she came back, but, I decided to stay in the bathroom.

I looked down at my wrists, my fresh cuts that I had made the day before my parents brought me here were still red, but they had scabbed over and were starting to heal. They were itching, so I picked at one scab, and once I had started I couldn’t stop and before I knew it I had dug my nails in and had made the previous cuts deeper. It was just like I had my blades, but, instead of using something to cut myself with, I was using my nails. It had worked and it made me feel better, for a while.

I was just dabbing a tissue on the freshly opened cuts when there was another knock at the door. This was really starting to annoy me. I shouted “WHAT!”

It was the second lady that had come back, as she had said, 5 minutes later to come and get me for breakfast; I suddenly remembered about the CCTV cameras, I looked around the room but I couldn’t see any. They can’t put CCTV in a bathroom, can they?

“Time to go for breakfast” she said

“I’m not hungry!” I replied, probably a little too loudly.

“Demi, you need to at least try and eat something” she replied firmly

“I don’t want to” I replied

“Demi, if you don’t come out I will have to come and open this door myself” she said

I gave in and opened the door, walked straight past her and sat on my bed. I had placed tissues over the cuts that I had opened and then put a hairband loosely over it to hold it in place. She walked over and sat beside me. “Demi, we need to go downstairs for breakfast. I know it must be hard for you, but, you need to try.” She said

“Okay” I softly replied

We both walked into the dining room and she led me to the area where everyone picks what they want to eat, this morning it was either porridge or toast. I didn’t want either but I decided to pick up a plate that had two slices of toast on it, a small packet of butter and a small tub of jam on the plate. The plate was wrapped in plastic cling film, it looked very hospital like, and, I didn’t like it.

I took the plate and sat down at a table that was empty, the lady who had come and got me from my bedroom, sat down with me and began filling out some paperwork. “You need to try and eat something Demi. I have been told to sit here with you until you do.”

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