Chapter 5

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Callie’s POV

This is so stupid. I don’t like opening up to people, and Demi is kind of annoying. I mean, she sit there and came into my room saying “She don’t want to see me like this.” Bitch, you barley know me. Plus, I don’t see why she’s in here because she looks like she’s fine and dandy. She’s probably just doing this to get publicity.

“All right guys, that’s it for today.” The teacher said and I got up and headed to my room. I got into my room and laid my sketch book on my dresser then Demi walk in, “Hey.” She greeted.

I gave her a smile and laid down on my bed, “So what do you want to do?” She asks. I crawled in my bed, “Sleep.” I have her one answered.

“It’s almost time for lunch.” She said, “I’m not going.” I said as I pull the cover up to my head.

“Well, everyone has to go eat.” Demi said.

I sighed and rolled over and look at her, “Listen,” I said and paused, “I am not going to participate with these stupid activities and do all this shit just so I can get out of her. You don’t even need to be in here, Demi. Everyone been through shit, but I bet know one has been what I’ve been through that is staying here. I don’t want to leave…I want to stay here. If you want to get better and everything go to lunch.” I said and rolled over.

Someone knock on the door, “Girls, it’s time to eat.”

“Be there in a minute.” Demi said hatefully. “I don’t want to be here and I don’t see why you want to. I’m only here because I was forced, but I really came here because of my little sister.” I turned around, “I’ve been bullied since I was 4. My best friend that I grew up with killed himself because he protected me from bullies and they bullied on him. My parents divorce and my mom got remarried and had my little sister. I got this job to help my family and I’ve work my ass off and I don’t know what I’ve done to myself. I had an eating disorder since forever ago; I had to sign a suicide contract when I was 7. I lost my best friend and I’ve lost my boyfriend. I was scared of hurting other people, but when I did hurt myself; I hurt other people.” Demi let it all out. I just sat there speechless. I don’t even know how to response to that. I hated being mean to her, but I’ve never been close to someone and once you get close...They leave.

“Demi, I’m sorry.” I sat up, “I’ve been through a lot and-“

“Girls, come eat.” I got interrupted by one of the workers.

I look down and took a deep breath. I almost opened up, “Let’s go eat.” I said and stood up and Demi followed me into the lunch room. I sat down and the worker Delaney came with my tray. Demi sat down in front of me. Man, she must be bipolar, because one minute she was going off on me and the next she’s acting like nothing happened.

“Are you going to eat?” Delaney asks knocking me out of my thoughts. I look at her, “Yeah, but I’m not really hungry.” I said and grab the apple and ate it all. Demi ate some of the chicken and rice.

I just sat there, “Can I got to my room now?” I asked. Delaney sighed, “If you eat some of the chicken I’ll let you go.” I rub my face with my hands and sighed. I ate half the chicken then got up and headed to my dorm without saying a word.

“I’m proud of you, Callie.” Delaney said. “Yeah yeah yeah.” I said and kept on walking. I laid on my bed and wanted to go to the bathroom and just purge already. I got up and headed outside; I walk over to my bench and went back behind the tree that the bench sat under. They don’t have cameras out here so...I purge.

“Callie.” Someone said and I knew it was Demi. Can she not leave someone alone? I whip my mouth with my sleeve and put peppermint in.

“Yeah?” I said as I walk out from behind the tree, “What are you doing back out here?” She asked.

“Just want to get fresh air.” I lied. We both sat down at the same time on the bench. “What was it that you started to tell me before we went to lunch?” She asked. Maybe it will be good for me to open up.

“You’ve been through a lot, but just remember that someone has it worse then you out there.” I began, “I’ve never told my story, because I’m afraid of...what would happen or I can’t finish telling it.” My feelings for Demi have changed, she’s not annoying, and she’s caring. She has been through a lot, but I’ve been through worst, maybe me and she can get through our shit together, “Plus, I don’t feel comfortable opening up to someone I’ve only known for 2 days, but can you just do me one thing?” I asked.

“Sure, what is it?”

“Stop following me everywhere. It’s kind of freaking me out.” I said with a smile and she giggled.

“I didn’t mean to be a weird ass. I just got here and you are the only one I’ve talk to.” Demi said acting embarrassed from it. “These girls here aren’t afraid to make new friends, besides me, all you got to do is talk to them.” I explained, “All you got to do is be you. If you pretend to be something you’re not, you’ll be treated like something you’re not.” I said and stood up.

“What do you mean?” Demi said as she stood up and followed me, “If you are quiet and stay away from people; they will stay away from you and not say a word. If you are funny, they will cut up with you. If you are a bitch, they won’t talk to you. If you be you, then someone will accept you. Just don’t try and put effort into being likeable. If you be you I’m sure someone is bound to like you.” I said to her with a confident smile.

“How old are you again?” Demi ask with a giggle, “Just turned 17 on November 17th. Pretty funny, huh? Turned 17 on the 17th.” I said and laugh at it.

“I turned 18 on August 20th.” Demi smiled, “But you are pretty mature for 17 years old.”

“Everyone has said that ever since I was 11.” I said as I hold the door opened for Demi. “Well, it’s not a bad thing.” Demi complimented.

“I guess not.” I said unsure, “Well our next class starts in 10 minutes, we better go.” I said as I walk into the room and grab my things. “And what’s that?” Demi asked with a confused expression. “You know, like school work, Math, Science, and Reading. Just 30 minutes on each subject then after that its supper then off to our dorms for the night.” I explained and handed Demi one of my tablets for her to use.

“You know everything about everything in this place. How long have you been here?” Demi asked me. I stop and look down. I hope she won’t judge me, “On my birthday of last year.” I said and walk to our class. I didn’t hear Demi’s foot steps behind me; I guess she didn’t know how to respond that. If I was her...I wouldn’t know how to response to it either. I walk in class and sat at my table. Member how I told Demi, if you don’t talk with people then they won’t do nothing with you. Well, I’m one of those people.

Demi walk in and sat at my table, “What are you doing?” I whispered, “Sitting with you.” She said, confused. “If you want to be you and get friends then go sit with them. If you sit with me they are going to treat you like nothing.”

“What do you mean?” She asks. Oh my goodness, she still don’t get it, “Member what I told you earlier, well I’m that one girl that talks to no one so no one talks to me. Go make you some’re going to need them while you’re in here.” I explained to her.

“I’m ok. I got a friend already and I don’t think I want anymore.” Demi said looking at me with a smile. I blushed, I didn’t know what to say, but I want Demi to have friends, because I don’t want to get attach to her and she don’t need to get attach to me.

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