Chapter 1

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[Chapter 1]

I ran forwards, the gentle wind blowing my hair backwards. A couple strides later the finishing line comes into sight. I breathe deeply, the cold morning air stinging my nose and mouth like millions of pins.

The crowd gathered around the finishing line begin to cheer and whistle for me. I scan the crowd trying to see the familiar faces. A wave of disappointment washes over me when I don’t spot them amongst the sea of people. My shoulders sag a little but I push on. This is just another time to add to the long list of disappointments.

Sucking in a big breath I push my legs to go faster. The finish line comes quickly and before I know it I’m crowded by many. They pat me on the back and say how good I am.

I push past the people and make my way slowly out of the crowd as they move back to congratulate the second place runner. The minute he steps over the finish line he falls to his knees and throws up all over the fresh green grass. I crinkle my nose against the stench. Poor guy should learn not to eat before a big run.

A smile snakes its way onto my face when a familiar weight jumps onto my back. They wrap their legs around my waist and hug me tightly around the neck, so tightly that it’s hard to get the air that I so desperately need.

“You won.” The voice yells in my ear. “First place, again.”

I shake him off and he falls to the ground with a thud. “Ouch.” He whines as he stands and rubs his butt. “What was that for?”

“Making me deaf.” I say, slapping him upside the head.

I watch Drew in silence as he groans and rubs his head. “Child abuse!” He yells, causing heads to turn our way.

I roll my eyes and take a drink from my drink bottle. The tight pain in my chest disappears as the cool water rolls down the back of my throat.

“You coming tonight?” I ask through sips.

His eyes light up as he nods quickly. Any faster and his head would fall off. It’s times like these that I begin to wonder why we’re best friends, he’s so childish. Why can’t I have one of the quieter people? I look around noticing something, or someone, missing.

 “Where’s Floyd?" 

Drew claps his hands together like a little kid and looks around confused. "He was beside me a few minutes ago." 

"Reign!" Someone calls out.

I look out to the crowd of people. A boy about my age with black hair walks towards me slowly, a determined look on his face. Two people follow behind like trained dogs causing me to roll my eyes.

Drew’s happy mood suddenly turns sour. "What do you want, Tex Donik." He spits out like the name hurts his mouth.

"I just wanted to come and tell Reign that this is only the start of the year." Tex growls. "I will beat you, no matter what it takes."

A warm arm is draped over my shoulder causing my coldness to wash away. "You've been saying that since we were little," A calm voice says, "And you haven't won once."

Tex's face turns a bright red, an accused finger pointed towards me. "That doesn't mean I won’t win this time! You watch me."

With that said he storms off back to a slick white car parked outside the hall, this 'dogs' following behind in sync.

When the car's out of sight Drew’s normal happiness comes back full force. "Floyd!" He shouts loudly causing an old lady to shh him. The second she turns around Drew sticks his tongue out at her. 

The Long Run (BoyxBoy-teacher/student) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now