Chapter 11

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[Chapter 11]

[Mr Alister’s P.O.V] ~ [2 Months Later]

I watch from afar as Reign talks to Byron, a smile on their faces. After Reign was in the car crash and everyone heard what had happened the school quieted down and whoever continued with the inappropriate behaviour was punished. It’s no surprise now that Byron and Reign are going out, I could see it happening, anyone could.

The only person who continues to give them trouble is Tex, not even his group of friends continue but for some reason Tex just won’t let it go. He seriously has some unsolved problems with them. Their relationship to me is like a slap in the face. I can remember when Reign first told me they started going steady.

It was at the dinner table; we were eating macaroni and cheese and drinking cola. He seemed nervous the entire time and when I would ask him about it he’d just brush it off. It wasn’t until we’d finished eating that he finally told me he was gay, which wasn’t a surprise, and that he was seeing Byron. At first all I felt was nothing, it seemed like I’d just been kicked in the gut by a footballer. The pain after it was much much worse however, like I’d had my heart ripped out but I was still alive, an empty hole in the centre of my chest.

Now they walk through the halls, laughing and holding hands, kissing and throwing notes across the room. Nothing suggested they were doing more than that but every time they went to see each other my mind would drift and I would always feel a slight ache in my stomach telling me they could be. It was a possibility.

I don’t know why I still bother with Reign, but no matter how hard I force myself to let him go I just can’t. Waking up every morning and seeing him there in my very house is finally getting to me. I’m at the breaking point where I have to force myself to look away from him. It doesn’t help that he rarely wears a shirt. The scar showing off like a birthmark on his stomach.

He’s never once asked about it but when his doors cracked open slightly I can’t help but see him from my room sitting on his bed, poking at the scar with a confused look across his face. A look that’s cute to his features.

The worst thing that’s happened so far is when I walk in the bathroom and he’s in the shower, naked and glowing. He’s going to be the death of me and he doesn’t even know it.

I force myself to turn away and back into my classroom, just as the bell rings. Great, another lesson full of energetic and horny teenagers.


I drive us home in silence apart from the radio playing a soft piano symphony. Reign sits with his arm resting on the door and his chin in his hand, looking out the window at the quick passing houses.

“What’s up?” I ask, when I close the front door behind me.

He blinks himself from whatever dream he was in and looks over at me. “Just thinking… of, stuff.”

“What kind of ‘stuff’?”

When he doesn’t answer I stop walking and turn to look at him but he’s gone. I sigh quietly and make my way up to the bathroom. As I pass his room I consider knocking and discussing it more but I let my hand fall to my side and continue walking.

If he wants to talk he’ll talk, I can’t force it on him. After all, he only sees me as a teacher now, that’s all I’ll ever be, or the man who looked after him.

I turn the shower taps on until it’s warm and strip off my clothes. With the bathroom full of steam I step under the relaxing water. The water washes away all the hassles and problems that happened at school today.

The Long Run (BoyxBoy-teacher/student) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now