Chapter 2

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[Chapter 2]

“Reign?” The teacher calls and it feels like she just took a mallet to my skull.

“Here.” I say quietly but it doesn’t help anything. Who thought it would have been a good idea to get pissed last night? Not me. I’m not taking any responsibility for this.

I envy Byron right now as he smiles happily, his perfectly white teeth showing. I glare at him slightly behind my sunglasses as he goes at his business. Stupid kid, he’s the only one that didn’t get completely drunk and lucky for him he doesn’t have to suffer the excoriating hangover that comes after.

My eyes begin to droop closed like they’re being pulled by an invisible force. That’s when the bell rings loudly in my head but it sounds more like a bomb going off right beside me. I cup my hands over my ears, groaning.

From the corner of my eye I see Floyd and Drew doing the exact same thing. I would laugh at them if I wasn’t going through the same pain. “Move off to class, quickly now.” The annoying teacher says, ushering us out.

I pull my bag strap over my shoulder and leave the room without waiting up for anyone. It’s every man for himself now. Walking to the maths room takes less than a minute normally. And I said normally. Me walking there now must be a step every minute. My head hangs and eyes close. Even my bag falls to the floor but I just drag it behind me.

If you were to look at me now there would be no way to hide the fact that I have a hangover, and a killer one at that. I don’t remember clearly what I drank last night but that was some strong shit.

By the time I make it to the classroom door an old man could have already walked back and forth 10 times. WITHOUT LEGS!

I open the door and brace myself, Mrs Neud may be old but she still gives out mean punishments. I don’t look up as I walk in and stand by the door. There’s no sound other than the soft breaths of my peers and then the teacher speaks up as if just noticing me there but I have a feeling she was looking at me for a while.

“You’re late.” She says in a surprisingly manly voice.

I pull my head up to see a man leaning against the desk, neat jet black hair slicked back on his head, tanned skin, brown eyes even muscle. The familiar butterflies return. This man is surprisingly handsome and looks to be about in his early 20’s. Time to play it cool.

“Mrs Neud you look good.” I earn slight laughs from the class, “Wait don’t tell me.” I hold my hand up when he goes to speak, “You did something to your hair didn’t you?”

The man at the desk shows no signs of humour as the class laughs. Eventually the room quiets down and he steps towards me. I don’t move and keep my ground, a plain bored look on my face but no one can see my racing heart in my chest with each step he takes towards me.

“What’s your name?” He asks.

I purse my lips, “Reign Carter.”

“Well Reign Carter, I’m Mr. Alister and I’ll be your date for tonight. It’s here at 3:30, so don’t be late.”

I clench my jaw to stop me from saying anything as he walks back to his desk at the front of the room. It’s no use arguing, all it will get me is into more trouble and I’m already waist deep. I let my mind wander as he talks about behaviour something rather.

I couldn’t stop thinking about it last night, about how I’m going to tell my mum and dad that’s I’m gay. I’m positive that once dad hears it he’s going to either kill me or kick me out and personally I want the later. My mum however isn’t as easy to read, she’s not a book you can judge by her cover either. She looks all fun and games but underneath she’s just a gold-digger. She wants nothing but the money.

The Long Run (BoyxBoy-teacher/student) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now