Chapter 5

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[Chapter 5]

My dream fades off little by little until I’m back where I started, in the closet. My body’s still heavy with sleep, unable to fully remember my reason for being here but when it passes there’s still no reason. No real reason at least. I rub my wrists, the sharp feeling of my dad’s rough hands holding me. I open my eyes where I see a small stream of light splitting the room, along with myself, in half.

Shakily I collect myself and stand on numb legs. My hands shake when I reach out for the door, afraid that it will shut again just as I get my hopes up. I push my head through first to make sure I’m alone and when I realise I am the rest of my body seems to fly out, not being able to stay in that place a moment more.

I run a trembling hand down my face, unable to piece together reality from nightmare. My face is hot and sticky from sweat even though it’s colder than death. A light shines above my head, casting shadows on the ground at my feet, looking behind me is the door I just escaped from however there’s now a boy standing there.

He has wide dark frantic eyes, a rim around the base from lack of sleep and blotches of red, dried up tears trail down his face and a mop of dirty blonde hair stuck to his face with sweat. Sudden anger bubbles inside of me and I cry out in frustration, slamming my fist into the mirror. It breaks on impact, a million pieces of fall onto the clear wooden floor, just as my heart did when Mr Alister told me he was disappointed.

My eyes glass over with a fresh set of tears at the memory but I force them not to fall. Angrily I wipe them away with the back of my hand; I’ll give him something to be disappointed in.


I hold my phone in the palm of my hand, weighing the situation. In my mind I had decided to cancel the date with Byron but my body doesn’t agree. No matter how much I will them to, my fingers don’t type in the numbers and press call.

On a single burst of confidence my mind takes over and calls him before my body can process what I’m doing, somehow I’m happy about that. It’s already 7 o’clock, meaning he’s probably standing by his door waiting to be picked up when he’s phone rings. I can almost feel what he’s going to feel when I say I’m not coming, his stomach will sink and he’d feel stupid for even thinking I’d come… but that’s not the case. I’m not coming because I’m afraid, afraid that I’ll like him and that he’ll like me back, a thought that will be one sided and when I need him most he’ll back out to leave me there all alone.

After the third ring he answers, “Hello?” His voice is soft and unsure, like a child being scolded for no reason and they’re asking why.

“Hi, Byron, It’s me.” I say, “Reign.”

“Oh hi Reign, when are you coming?”

I lower my head in shame, “I’m not.” I force the words out.

He doesn’t say anything for a long minute and I’m afraid he’s going to hang up but he surprises me, “I thought so.”

“Listen,” It’s not you, it’s me. I want to say but there’s nothing I can say. Sorry doesn’t cut it this time.

“I get it,” He says and I can picture his lip quivering as he tries to hold back tears. “You changed your mind, it happens all the time.”

I shake my head even though he can’t see me, “It’s just not something I can do, not at the minute.” I say, “I have a lot going on right now…” I trail off, unsure of how it’s sounding to him.

“Bye Reign.” He says monotone.

“Goodbye.” Then there’s nothing but the static.


The Long Run (BoyxBoy-teacher/student) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now