Chapter 15

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[Chapter 15]

[Reign’s P.O.V]

His whole mood changed. His smile disappeared and his fists clenched. In his eyes I could see himself asking a million questions a minute. It was just a joke? He never loved me? He doesn’t love me?

I wanted to wrap my arms around him and tell him that someone made me do it but I knew it was best for him to not know that. He’d lose his job, his house, his life. I didn’t want to be the cause for all of that. What we’re doing is illegal.

He didn’t say something as he stood and walked from the room without a second glance. I fall back onto my bed with a sharp pain in my chest and hope that tomorrow everything would be okay. With the thick truth choking me I lied myself to rest.


When I woke the house was quiet. The usual sound of the morning news and Owen’s footsteps weren’t there and I couldn’t help but let my mood drop. For once something good finally happens and it has to be taken away from me. Why can’t I get a single break? For once I just want something to go right.


The walk to school finally ended as I walked through the double doors. Everyone looked at me like they all heard what had happened and it wouldn’t surprise me if they did; news travelled fast through this school. Many whispered, my name being spoken by total strangers.

I kept my head high and walked to my locker, lacking the usual skip in my step.

“Reign.” Floyd called out as he came over, Drew following him behind, glaring at everyone who tried to whisper about what happened at the party. “Are you okay?”

I nodded without a word and pulled my books from my locker as the bell rang.

“We tried to come see you again but they were only letting family in.” He continued. “And Owen.”

A few heads turn towards us but with a sneer they leave, “It doesn’t bother me that you didn’t come.”

“It doesn’t?” Drew asks, leaning his head over Floyds shoulder, “Thank the heavens. I thought we’d need to do this whole apology dance or something.”

Floyd and I both give him a blank look. “So…” He rubs the back of his neck, “I’m going to go now.”

Ignoring him, Floyd turns back to me and claps my shoulder, “I guess I’ll see you later.”

“Yeah I guess so.” I said quietly as they walked away. Just as I’m pulling out my last book a sky blue piece of paper falls to the floor.

I look around to make sure no one’s watching before picking it up and unfolding it. My heart beat rises as I scan the words on the page.

You’re good for listening to me Reign but unfortunately there’s more than that to be discussed. Meet me under the bridge at Trape Street at exactly midnight. If you don’t turn up I’ll post the pictures all over the internet and we don’t want that happening now do we?

I swallow and crumple the note in my fist tightly. I don’t know who this person is but it’s pretty clear they have something against me. One thing I do know is they like playing games otherwise they would have already given the pictures to the police. What I don’t understand is what I did to deserve this.

Placing the note in my back pocket I close the locker and walk quickly to class while trying not to get caught by the teachers roaming the halls. The last thing I need to complete my bad luck is a detention. I get to class 10 minutes late and every head turns towards me, including Ow- Mr Alisters.

The Long Run (BoyxBoy-teacher/student) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now