Chapter 6

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[Chapter 6]

[Reign’s P.O.V]

I wake up to someone shaking me. I groan and roll onto my stomach, letting the pillow suffocate my words as they leave my lips.

“Don’t make me throw water over you.” The voice threatens and instantly I’m wide awake.

My eyes fling open and I scramble to the end of the bed with my back against a wall. Groggily I look around the room I’m in. “Where am I?” My voice comes out croaky and rough like I haven’t talked in days.

“You’re at my house.” Mr Alister says as my eyes meet his.

I force my body to relax. “What am I doing here?”

“I’ll explain it over breakfast, come on.” He says, offering me a hand.

For a moment I stare at it, unsure whether I should take it or not but in the end I reach out hold onto it.


“So you just took me to the hospital and then here?” I ask after he finishes explaining the night to me. Nothing of which I can remember.

He nods, taking a sip of coffee. I crinkle my nose at the smell, I’ve never been able to handle it. “Yeah that’s the gist of it.”

“So nothing else happened?”

This time he shakes his head, “Nothing.”

“Okay, it’s just that when I get drunk I tend to do stupid stuff.” I explain, scared that I did do something he’s not telling me.


I roll my eyes and drum my fingers on the table, “Many different things, too many to list.”

He offered me food but quite honestly I don’t feel up for eating. Not when I have a busted knee, coach is never going to let me run until it’s fixed in a week or two. I can’t imagine what Tex will do when he finds out that I’m unable to run, he’d have a party. He finally has a chance to beat me at my own game, however something tells me that he too won’t be running for a while.


“Don’t forget about the detention.” Mr Alister reminds me when we reach the school.

I roll my eyes and jump out of the car when it rolls to a stop. “I won’t.”

Drew and Floyd meet me in the school doors, “Dude, you’re alive.” Drew yells causing eyes to turn towards us.

With a glare they all turn back to what they were doing, “Of course I am, why would you think that I wasn’t?”

“Because you never picked up your cell last night, or the home phone.” Floyd says, giving me a look. The look that says I better have a good explanation.

“I was at the hospital,” It’s not entirely the truth but it’s part of it.

“What?! Why?!” Drew screams, looking me over.

“It’s my knee,” I sigh, sadly. “It got cut pretty deep last night and I had to get stitches, I didn’t have my phone on me.” That’s true, I left it at home.

“Then why’d you come to school with Mr Alister?” Floyd asks with a raised eyebrow.

Lie, “He heard what happened from another teacher that was at the hospital when I was, and he figured that it was best if I didn’t drive to school in case something happened.”

“Mmm, okay.” He doesn’t believe me but lets it slide.

“What about your track?” Drew asks, his eyes wide.

The Long Run (BoyxBoy-teacher/student) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now